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发布时间:2023-12-17 01:53:00

[单项选择]Mary remained in her belief that the present situation would definitely improve.
A. continuous
B. persistent
C. constant
D. resolute

更多"Mary remained in her belief"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Mary her thick coat because it was snowing.
A. put back
B. put on
C. put away
D. put aside
[单项选择]Betty said that()all her friends,Mary was her favorite.
A. between
B. of
C. in
[单项选择]Mary said her mother (would buy her) a (five-speeds) racing bicycle (for) his (sixteenth birthday).
A. would buy her
B. five-speeds
C. for
D. sixteenth birthday
[单项选择]Mary often drinks her tea with her little finger sticking out; I really can't _______ that kind of behavior.
A. put through
B. put off
C. put up with
D. put out
[单项选择]Mary could invite her friends to the house at her own ______ if she told her mother in time.
A. prudence
B. discretion
C. reaction
D. exertion
[单项选择]We met Mary and her husband at a party two months ago. ________ we've had no further communication.
A. Thereof
B. Thereby
C. Thereafter
D. Thereabouts
[单项选择]A multigravida in her 34th week of gestation presents in the emergency department complaining of vaginal bleeding. Which of the following should be the nurse's first action ?()
A. Establish IV access.
B. Assess fetal heart rate (FHR) and maternal blood pressure.
C. Prepare the client for a cesarean delivery.
D. Assess maternal heart rate and respiratory rate.
[单项选择]Mary ()her keys in her office and she had to ()out of the house.
A. forgot, keep
B. forget, keep
C. left, be kept
D. leaved, be kept
[单项选择]Mary spoke to her teacher with understandable pride in her past.
A. 过去玛丽和她老师很自豪地说话,这是可以理解的
B. 玛丽过去和她老师说话时,是可以理解的自豪。
C. 玛丽过去和她老师可以理解地说话,也很自豪。
D. 玛丽过去和她老师说话时很自豪,这是可以理解的。
[单项选择]Mary saw her son ______ the piano when she came to the room.
A. playing
B. play
C. played
D. to play
[单项选择]Do you think Mary will call her old friends as soon as she______ to London
A. has got
B. gets
C. got
D. will get
[单项选择]Mary had sold her bike, taken a driving test and bought a car.
A. examination
B. quiz
C. exercise
D. check
[单项选择]Mary as well as her two brothers disliked that kind of food, ______
[单项选择]What did Mary say about her cat She said that ______.

A. her cat could cook
B. her cat could talk
C. her cat could fly


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