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发布时间:2023-12-26 23:50:52

[单项选择]The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ______ to eat more fruit and vegetables.
A. persuade
B. will persuade
C. be persuaded
D. are persuaded

更多"The number of deaths from heart dis"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally ______ improvements in diet.
A. attributed to
B. adjusted to
C. adapted to
D. accustomed to
[单项选择]Apart from deaths from illnesses,one of the biggest threats to one's life in highly motorized Singapore is to be killed in a traffic accident.
A. 不管是由于患病还是新加坡交通繁忙,在公路意外中丧命都是对我们生命的一大威胁。
B. 除了患病身亡之外,由于新加坡交通繁忙,在交通事故丧命是对生命的最大威胁之一。
C. 除了患病身亡,新加坡交通繁忙,在公路意外中丧命是对我们生命的一大威胁。
D. 由于新加坡交通繁忙,最大的威胁就是在公路意外中丧命还有患病身亡。

Many deaths from home fires are the result of burns and panic, but most are caused by deadly smoke and gases. These fatal fires are often caused by such careless acts as throwing away a lighted match or cigarette, allowing rubbish to pile up, overloading electrical wires, or misuse of heating and cooking equipment.
Few families go to bed at night without first checking to make sure that the doors and windows are locked, but they overlook a very basic fire safety rule. This rule states that people should sleep with their bedroom doors closed. Nighttime fires are most serious because the family is asleep and the discovery of fire is usually too late.
A closed bedroom door gives extra protection by delaying the gases and fire, thus giving the family a few minutes to escape.
At the first sight of fire in a home, it is necessary for everyone to get out of the house, especially children and elderly persons who may need help.
Not everyone flees (逃
A. the afternoon
B. the morning
C. the evening
D. the night

[单项选择]Most deaths from fire are caused by ______.
A. burns
B. fright
C. deadly smoke and gases
D. panic
[单项选择]I could easily perceive that his heart burnt to relieve his starving kids, but he seemed ashamed to ______ his inability to me.
A. discover
B. recover
C. demonstrate
D. impress
[单项选择]The book fair has received a positive______from readers.
A. result
B. response
C. settlement
D. solution
[单项选择]More middle-aged persons suffer from heart trouble than is generally realized.
A. 有许多中年人患心脏病,这是人们通常没有意识到的。
B. 实际患心脏病的中年人比通常人们意识到的要多。
C. 人们通常意识到会有更多的中年人患心脏病。
D. 中年人更容易患心脏病,这是意料中的事。
[单项选择]Fascist dictatorships differ from monarchies of recent times in
[单项选择]The Garbage Project's studies differ from other researches into the behaviors of consumers in that ______.
A. the former records data more excruciatingly than the latter does
B. the data collected by the latter are biased by perceptions and judgements
C. the former collects data from self-reports or interview surveys
D. the former reconstructs consumer behaviors directly from material reality
[单项选择]— Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my little girl蒺s life. — ._________ — But I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done. — I'm just happy I could help.
[单项选择]Stan: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my little girl's life. John : ______. Start: I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done. John : I'm just happy I could help.
[单项选择]All her life she has been ______ from the harsh realities of the world.
A. insulated
B. inhibited
C. ejected
D. evoked


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