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发布时间:2023-12-30 18:29:54

[单项选择]We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always ______his principles.
A. lives on
B. lives up to
C. lives down
D. lives with

更多"We have a high regard for Prof. Jos"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always ______ his principles.
A. lives on
B. lives up to
C. lives through
D. lives with
[单项选择]We have a high regard for Mr. Smith because he always _______ his principles.
A. stands up to
B. lives up to
C. puts up for
D. keeps up with
[单项选择]We regard him as ______ to our cause because he accepted all our suggestions without hesitation.
A. amiable
B. protagnistic
C. antagonistic
D. amenable
[单项选择]He said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to ________ his acceptance in writing.
A. affirm
B. inform
C. conform
D. confirm
[单项选择]We have a firm belief that he will abide by his promise if he gives it to anyone.
A. avenge
B. stick to
C. attribute to
D. automate
[单项选择]Joseph is so brilliant that he always keeps some good ideas ______ his sleeve.
A. up
B. in
C. at
D. on
[单项选择]______ have we seen such an effective actor as he has proven himself to be.
A. Certainly
B. Sometimes
C. Rarely
D. Once
[单项选择]No matter how little money we have, we should get into the habit of ______ some in the bank regularly.

A. laying
B. withdrawing
C. putting
D. depositing
[单项选择]Jackie McLean's recordings have shown that he is one of()few jazz musicians whose style of playing has kept()pace with()evolution of modern jazz.
A. /.../...the
B. the...a.../
C. /...a...an
D. the.../...the
[单项选择](I have been) told that he (will have come) if he (were) (able).
A. have been
B. will have come
C. were
D. able
[单项选择]Today's college graduates have high expectations when it comes to getting a job.
A. 如今的大学生在找工作时抱有很高的期望。
B. 今天有很高抱负的大学生毕业后,就来这里找工作。
C. 今天的大学生毕业后有很高的期待,这时他们就去找工作。
D. 当找到工作时,今天的大学毕业生有很高的期望。
[单项选择]We consider ______he should have left without telling anyone beforehand.
A. strange why
B. it strange what
C. it strange that
D. that strange
[单项选择]______ difficulties we may have, we must finish the task as required.

A. Whatever
B. Whichever
C. Of which
D. No matter how


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