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发布时间:2023-09-28 14:32:07

[单项选择]No matter what you say, I shall ______ my opinion.
A. carry out
B. keep up
C. insist on
D. stick to

更多"No matter what you say, I shall ___"的相关试题:

[单项选择]No matter what you say, I shall()my opinion.
A. carry out
B. keep up
C. insist on
D. stick to
[单项选择]No matter what you say, I shall ______ my own opinion.
A. insist on
B. keep up
C. carry out
D. stick to
[单项选择]No matter what you say, i shall______my own opinion.
A. insist on
B. keep up
C. carry out
D. stick to
[单项选择]It is what you do rather than what you say ______ matters.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. this
[单项选择]What you say now is not ______ with what you said at yesterday's meeting.
A. consistent
B. constant
C. convenient
D. conventional
[单项选择]It is what you do rather than what you say ______matters.
A. what
B. when
C. that
D. how
[单项选择]What you say now is not______ with what you said last week.
A. consistent
B. persistent
C. permanent
D. insistent
[单项选择]What you say now is not _________ with what you said last time.
A. insistent
B. consistent
C. persistent
D. resistant
[单项选择]What you say now is not __________ with what you said last week.
A. consistent
B. persistent
C. permanent
D. insistent
[单项选择]______ he come, what you say to him
A. If, will
B. Should, would
C. When, would
D. Would, do
[单项选择]________I understand what you say, I can't agree with you on the origin of humankind.
A. While
B. Whether
C. If
D. Unless
[单项选择]To communicate precisely what you want to say,you will frequently need to define key words.
A. 无论你想说什么,要做到简明扼要,关键就是要对词进行定义。
B. 只要定义频繁出现的关键词就能准确传达本意。
C. 要准确表达你的本意,就必须不断定义关键词。
D. 要简明扼要地表达本意,就必须不断定义关键词。
[单项选择]______ you say now can’t make up for what you’ve done.
A. No matter
B. Whatever
C. However
D. That
[单项选择]What you should say in your speech is entirely ______ you.
A. up to
B. owing to
C. due to
D. according to
[单项选择]What kind of person would you say the old man was
[单项选择]You fix my what It was to get my brakes repaired ______ I brought my car in, not to get the engine replaced!
A. so that
B. when
C. that
D. because


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