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发布时间:2023-11-04 02:40:41

[单项选择]They were just going out ______ it began to rain.
A. when
B. as
C. while
D. and

更多"They were just going out ______ it "的相关试题:

[单项选择]There were many talented actors out there just waiting______.
A. to discover
B. to be discovered
C. discovered
D. being discovered
[单项选择]______I was going out, it began to rain.
A. When
B. While
C. As
D. Since
[单项选择]We were running out of money and things were looking ______.
A. grim
B. glossy
C. gorgeous
D. gracious
[单项选择]John: I'm just going out for a newspaper. (). Liza: It's Sarah's birthday today. I've got her a card, but can you buy her some flowers or some chocolate John: She'd prefer a nice plant. I'll get that. Liza: OK.
A. Can I get you anything
B. Whose birthday is today
C. Which newspaper do you want.9
D. Why not go with me
[单项选择]The three foreigners were pushed out of the way because______.
A. they did not queue for the bus
B. they were foreigners
C. the people were unfriendly
D. there were not any reasons
[单项选择]The students were just about to ______ the question, when suddenly he found the answer.
A. arrive at
B. submit to
C. work on
D. give up
[单项选择]We were just ______ calling you up ______ you came in, ______ was unexpected.
A. about; when; that
B. on the point of; as; as
C. on the point of; when; which
D. on the point of; as; as
[单项选择]The troops were called out to _________ the disturbance.
A. put aside
B. put across
C. put about
D. put down
[单项选择]NO more messages were heard so that we began to worry if George Was dead.
A. 再也没有得到乔治的消息,我们开始担心他是不是死了。
B. 没听到乔治更多的消息,如果他死了,我们会很担心的。
C. 我们担心如果乔治死了,就再也得不到消息了。
D. 没有听到让我们担心乔治安危的消息。
[单项选择]No more messages were heard so that we began to worry if George was dead.
A. 再也没有得到乔治的消息,我们开始担心他是不是死了。
B. 没听到乔治更多的消息,如果他死了,我们会很担心的。
C. 我们担心如果乔治死了,就再也得不到消息了。
D. 没有听到让我们担心乔治安危的消息。
[单项选择]When is the man going out with Jennifer

A. Friday.
B. Saturday.
C. Sunday.
D. Monday.
[单项选择]I'm going to go out and ______.
A. have cut my hair
B. have my hair cut
C. let my hair cut
D. my hair be cut
[单项选择]The keepers were going to make an operation on the lion ______.
[单项选择]Susan: I thought you were going to the conference in USA last Saturday.Gordon: ______, but I haven't been feeling well, so I stayed home.


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