发布时间:2024-01-09 22:43:05

[单项选择]The new director of the television station wants to ______ its programs.
A. divide
B. decide
C. diversify
D. divert

更多"The new director of the television "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The new director of the television station wants to ______ its programs.
A. divide
B. decide
C. diversify
D. divert
[单项选择]If the woman wants to see movies, what station should she watch

[单项选择]If a company wants its new pay structure to be successful, it is necessary to______.
A. give the workers extra pay to encourage them
B. share the same opinion between the Trade Union and the employers
C. consult some problems associated with pay
D. adopt a special way to evaluate the performance of its employees
[单项选择]The company recommended that a new petrol station be built here.
A. demanded
B. suggested
C. insisted
D. ordered
[单项选择]When an employer wants to hire a new employee, he will consider ______.
[单项选择]A typical example of "create the wants it sought to satisfy" is ______.
A. acquiring things they most certainly did not need
B. transforming the plain telephone into a luxury
C. fifteen phones as the style for a wealthy home
D. buying all the telephones that they can conveniently use
[单项选择]Steve Hall wants to give his son a new car for his graduation. If the cost of the car is $15000 and Hall finances 80 percent of the value of the car for 36 months at 8 percent annual interest, his monthly payments will be:()
A. $289.
B. $413.
C. $376.
[填空题]The news on the local radio station,as well as newspaper accounts,confirm that the prison riot was serious().
[单项选择]I think nobody wants to have their new car______.
A. repair
B. repairing
C. to repair
D. repaired
[单项选择]______ had the train arrived at the station than the passengers rushed into the carriages.
A. Hardly
B. Much sooner
C. Scarcely
D. No sooner
[单项选择]The new power station is reported ______ within three years.
A. to have completed
B. to have been completed
C. to complete
D. having been completed


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