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发布时间:2023-10-22 02:28:16

[单项选择]A typical example of "create the wants it sought to satisfy" is ______.
A. acquiring things they most certainly did not need
B. transforming the plain telephone into a luxury
C. fifteen phones as the style for a wealthy home
D. buying all the telephones that they can conveniently use

更多"A typical example of 'create the wa"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A typical example of "create the wants it sought to satisfy" is ______.

A. acquiring things they most certainly did not need
B. transforming the plain telephone into a luxury
C. fifteen phones as the style for a wealthy home
D. buying all the telephones that they can conveniently use
[单项选择]English 900 is a typical example of textbooks which provide materials for teaching and learning adopting ______ Method.
A. Grammar-Translation
B. Audiolingual
C. Direct
D. Situational
[单项选择]The new director of the television station wants to ______ its programs.
A. divide
B. decide
C. diversify
D. divert
[单项选择]Hitler sought to annihilate resistance movements throughout Europe.
A. exterminate
B. exceed
C. exclude
D. expel
[单项选择]An example of typical WAOAW painting would be______.
A. men attending an Eastern horse race
B. a woman participating in a Western horse show
C. a view of a portrait painter at work
D. collectors at an art auction
[单项选择]Mr. Salt wants to create anti-cancer foods by ______.
A. copying tissues from wild plants that take up selenium naturally into crop plants
B. copying genes that causes the plants to take up selenium from the soil
C. moving selenium from the tissues of wild plants into crop plants
D. moving genes from wild plants that take up selenium naturally into crop plants
[单项选择]At that time they did hope to create a new world they had dreamed of ,______of all human sins.
A. cleanse
B. cleansed
C. had cleansed
D. cleansing
[单项选择]The supervisor wants the inventory ______by next Thursday.
A. (A) will be finished
B. (B) finish
C. (C) finished
D. (D) finishing
[单项选择]The secretary wants to ______all the file clerks to make preparations for the company Christmas party.
A. enlighten
B. enlist
C. enable.
D. enclose
[单项选择]Don’t forget Ann wants a big doll, ______
A. do you
B. will you
C. don’t you
D. won’t you
[单项选择]Kate can't drive yet, but she wants ______.
A. the own car
B. the car of her own
C. an own car
D. a car of her own
[单项选择]Bob won't stop trying ______ he gets what he wants.

A. as
B. that
C. till


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