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发布时间:2023-10-06 05:05:50

[单项选择]It is most important that one of the brakes on your bicycle ______ properly.
A. will work
B. had worked
C. works
D. work

更多"It is most important that one of th"的相关试题:


Adolescence tends to be the most important for one's world outlook.()

A. the growing period after childhood
B. the period of maturity
C. the period of babyhood
D. the period of old age
[单项选择]What is the most important one among the realities listed in the passage
A. New vulnerabilities will be introduced into your environment every day.
B. The manager educates employees about properly configuring firewalls and intrusion detection systems for their PCs.
C. Managers have more responsibility than ever.
D. Security managers are asked to support increasing degrees of network availability and access.

One important aspect of retirement for most people is deciding where to live. In the past, this was not an issue because most elderly persons remained at home where they could be close to family. In contemporary times, parents and grown children go their separate ways, staying in touch through the telephone and, more recently, through e-mail. Every year, more than 400,000 adults who are 55 or older move out of their home state and relocate.
Florida leads all states in the proportion of elderly people-19 percent over 65 years of age, most of whom relocated from other places. Thus, Florida cities have become known as retirement centers. Among those prominently mentioned are Boca Raton, Daytona Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Naples, and Ocala where between 20 and 25 percent of the residents is over 65 years of age. Two other Florida cities, Saint Petersburg and Sarasota, have even higher proportions-25 percent and 32 percent respectively. Other cities that have gained r
A. Retirement centers.
B. Retirement sites.
C. Retirement state.
D. Retirement communities.

[单项选择]What seems to be the most important thing you have to decide on before a meeting starts ______
A. The length of the agenda
B. The frequency of the meetings
C. A specific objective to accomplish
D. Operational issues

Water is one of the most important natural resources in the world.
Everywhere, water use is (61) . Humans already use fifty-four percent of all the (62) water in rivers, lakes and underground. There are some estimates that this (63) will reach seventy percent by 2005.
Fresh water is necessary for life on Earth. People need water for (64) activities and to produce food. Water also is important for energy production and health of Earth’s environmental systems.
The United Nations is organizing a (65) of events to increase concern (66) water issues. UN officials have (67) 2003 the International Year of Fresh Water. A goal of the (68) is to build support for policies to use water more (69) .
Another goal is to get more people to use water in a way (70) will not hurt environment. The world population is more than six-thousand-million people. More than one-thousand-million (71
A. separate
B. suffer
C. relieve
D. release


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