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发布时间:2023-11-17 02:55:50

[单项选择]Their demand has not the slightest ______ of being met.
A. prospect
B. prosperity .
C. permission
D. prediction

更多"Their demand has not the slightest "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Their demand has not the slightest ______ of being met.

A. prospect
B. prosperity .
C. permission
D. prediction
[单项选择]Their demand for a pay rise has not the slightest _________ of being met.
A. prospect
B. priority
C. prosperity
D. permission
[单项选择]Their demand for a pay raise has not the slightest ____________of being met.
A. prospect
B. prediction
C. prosperity
D. permission
[单项选择]The increased demand for their skills has given these workers' greater ________power.
A. negotiating
B. bargaining
C. consulting
D. debating
[单项选择]A company being analyzed has net income of $ 97, liabilities of $ 600, preferred equity of $ 30, total shareholder equity of $ 700, interest expense of $ 48, and preferred dividends of $1.80. What is the return on common equity()
A. 7.00%.
B. 14.21%.
C. 10.18%.
[单项选择]A traditional critic has the advantage of being able to ______ standards and values inherited from the past.
A. turn up
B. turn over
C. turn to
D. turn in
[单项选择]Being closer to the nature has become a favorite __________ for the increasing number of people.
A. bulletin
B. coincidence
C. pastime
D. maneuver

Agriculture today has had the luxury of being able to pollute and alter the landscape first and worry about the consequences later.()

A. transform
B. reform
C. perform
D. conform
[单项选择]Officials estimate that supply has ______ demand by 7.5 billion since the beginning of 1988.
A. surpassed
B. transcended
C. outweighed
D. exceeded
[单项选择]Being a tough guy, he has perfect control of his won ______.
A. temper
B. affection
C. sentiment
D. passion
[单项选择]Being the manager of a large corporation, he has a great deal of ______ to deal with every day.
A. correspondents
B. correspondence
C. incidence
D. dependence
[单项选择]He has been teaching for 2 years, but being a teacher is not his ______.
A. chance
B. character
C. attitude
D. choice
[单项选择]He has being on a ______ diet because his of serious disease.
A. constrained
B. dominated
C. restricted
D. occupied
[单项选择]My daughter has many strong points, ______ being honest is only one part.
A. for which
B. of which
C. in which
D. with which
[单项选择]He has the ______ distinction of being the only one in the class to fail the examination.
A. dubious
B. impressive
C. remarkable
D. extrinsic
[单项选择]Knowing that the slightest mistake meant losing his job, the waiter carried the expensive glasses______ from the kitchen.
A. cautiously
B. gravely
C. profoundly
D. radically


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