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发布时间:2024-03-28 22:05:00


The brand(商标) name puts a face on every company. Names like McDonald’s, GM, Apple, Intel, and a large number of others have long become very popular. They’re also given customers a point of reference when thinking about a company. Good brand names might help companies avoid heavy costs and bring them greater profits.
Usually companies create names that are easy to learn and remember. Firstly, the name should create interest. Rhymes (押韵) and humor are some ways to gain interest, but there are others as well. Think about your customers and what would interest them. Secondly, the name should present a picture or image. People remember them most because the name is stored in pictures and words. Thirdly, the name should be meaningful. It can be done with lots of advertising, but names that are themselves more meaningful to customers are more easily stored in memory. More important, the name should have meaningful associations that show the benefits customers want.
A. To tell how difficult it is to make a good brand name.
B. To compare different ways of choosing brand names.
C. To recommend some popular brand names.
D. To introduce what a good brand name is.

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The brand name puts a face on every company. Names like McDonald’s, GM, Apple, Intel, and a large number of others have long become very popular. They’ve also given customers a point of reference when thinking about a company. Good brand names might help companies avoid heavy costs and ’bring them greater profits.
Usually companies create names that are easy to learn and remember. Firstly, the name should create interest. Rhymes (押韵) and humor are some ways to gain interest, but there are others as well. Think about your customers and what would interest them. Secondly, tile name should present a picture or image. People remember them most because the name is stored in pictures and words. Thirdly, the name should be meaningful associations that show the benefits customers want. Then the name should have some emotion. Emotional associations are easier to learn and remember. The Love Boat ,for instance, is very easy to remember. Finally, the name should be
A. Being easy to remember.
B. Having lots of advertisements.
C. Gaining support from associations.
D. Showing the benefits customers can have.


The brand(商标) name puts a face on every company. Names like McDonald’s, GM, Apple, Intel, and a large number of others have long become very popular. They’re also given customers a point of reference when thinking about a company. Good brand names might help companies avoid heavy costs and bring them greater profits.
Usually companies create names that are easy to learn and remember. Firstly, the name should create interest. Rhymes (押韵) and humor are some ways to gain interest, but there are others as well. Think about your customers and what would interest them. Secondly, the name should present a picture or image. People remember them most because the name is stored in pictures and words. Thirdly, the name should be meaningful. It can be done with lots of advertising, but names that are themselves more meaningful to customers are more easily stored in memory. More important, the name should have meaningful associations that show the benefits customers want.
A. To show that a good brand name is significant for a company.
B. To tell readers that they are important and popular terms.
C. To introduce some well-known brand names to readers.
D. To explain why those companies are successful.

[单项选择]我国《商标法》规定,经商标局核准注册的商标为注册商标,商标注册人享有商标 ( )。
A. 专用权
B. 所有权
C. 使用权
D. 占用权
[单项选择]按( )分类,可以将商标分为商品商标、服务商标、集体商标和证明商标。
A. 商标的表现形式
B. 商标是否具有法律保护的专用权
C. 商标的不同作用
D. 商标的构成
[单项选择]当商标分为制造商标、销售商标和集体商标的时候,其划分标准是( )。
A. 商标的构成要素
B. 商标的使用者
C. 商标的用途
D. 商标的功能
[单项选择]商标注册人甲公司在其注册商标宽展期满后没有提出续展注册申请,乙公司向商标局提出了与该商标相同的商标注册申请。对此,商标局( )。
A. 可以自甲公司的注册商标注销之日起1年内,核准乙公司的商标注册申请
B. 可以自甲公司的注册商标有效期满后6个月内,核准乙公司的商标注册申请
C. 自甲公司的注册商标注销之日起1年内,不予核准乙公司的商标注册申请
D. 可以自甲公司的注册商标注销之日起,核准乙公司的商标注册申请
A. 使用侵权 
B. 销售侵权 
C. 标识侵权 
D. 反向假冒侵权


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