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发布时间:2023-10-15 10:12:29

[单项选择]The author thinks that although rich and famous people are often said to be cleverer than they really are _____.
A. Elizabeth almost certainly did not deserve this praise.
B. there is other evidence that Elizabeth was extremely clever.
C. Elizabeth was not well-known for her hand-writing.
D. there is other evidence that Elizabeth was famous and cynical.

更多"The author thinks that although ric"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The author thinks that although rich and famous people are often said to be cleverer than they really are ______.

A. Elizabeth almost certainly did not deserve this praise
B. there is other evidence that Elizabeth was extremely clever
C. Elizabeth was not well-known for her hand-writing
D. there is other evidence that Elizabeth was famous and cynical
[单项选择]Although the author says "I am here to teach," his purpose is really
A. to deceive
B. to joke
C. to persuade
D. to smoke
[单项选择]Although the author says, "I am here to teach", his purpose is really ______.
A. to deceive
B. to persuade
C. to joke
D. to smoke
[单项选择]Susan thinks that tulips
A. are more colourful and better shaped than other flowers.
B. are not easy to paint because they change so quickly.
C. look best some time after they have been cut.
D. should be kept in the house for as long as possible.
[单项选择]The author thinks that
[单项选择]The author thinks that pull factors
A. are all related to economic considerations.
B. are not as decisive as push factors.
C. include a range of considerations.
D. are more important than push factors.
[单项选择]The author thinks that people are
A. satisfied with their appearance.
B. concerned about appearance in old age.
C. far from neglecting what is in fashion.
D. reluctant to follow the trends in fashion.
[单项选择]Martin thinks that housewives take less responsibility because _________.

[单项选择]The writer thinks that those Asian countries
A. well deserved the punishment.
B. invested in a senseless way at the time.
C. were unduly punished in the crisis.
D. had bad relationships between government and business.
[单项选择]The writer thinks that the legal profession
A. strives to protect consumers.
B. includes rapacious attorneys.
C. does a good job of policing its members.
D. is part of an incorruptible system.
[单项选择]The author thinks current entertainment is relatively poor because


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