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发布时间:2023-10-22 02:10:58

[单项选择]Does it ______ much to have the bicycle repaired
A. pay
B. spend
C. cost
D. ask

更多"Does it ______ much to have the bic"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Does it ______ much to have the bicycle repaired
A. pay
B. spend
C. cost
D. ask
[单项选择]I have just have my computer repaired.How much did they ______ for it
A. pay
B. take
C. cost
D. spend
[单项选择]A project manager does not have much time to spend planning before the mandatory start date arrives.He therefore wants to move through planning as effectively as possible.Which of the following would you recommend ?()
A. Make sure you have a completed preliminary project scope statement and then start the WB
B. Create an activity list before creating a network diagra
C. Document all the known risks before you document the high-level assumption
D. Finalize the quality management plan before you determine quality metric
[单项选择]How much does the woman have to pay immediately for the house

A. $81,500.
B. $8,150.
C. $815.
D. $1,000.
[单项选择]What problems does sport have
A. Some women athletes are actually men.
B. Women or men do not run or swim in the same races.
C. It is difficult to check whether women athletes are really women.
D. Some women Athlete are given hormone injections.
[单项选择]How much does a visa student have to pay first for his tuition for entering a PhD program with a Master's degree in 2002
A. $4,373.
B. $1,245.
C. $2,490.
D. $8,746.
[单项选择]Ivan _________ hasn't repaired his bicycle tire.
A. yet
B. soon
C. still
D. already
[单项选择]He says ______ but does much.
A. few
B. a little
C. little
D. a few
[单项选择]Why does Denny have to go unarmed
A. He cannot tell an enemy from a friend.
B. The price would be very high if it were armed.
C. He does not know how to use a weapon.
D. It is unlikely that he will be attacked by a human enemy.
[单项选择]What effect does confinement have on clever animals, according to the text
A. They never stop trying to escape.
B. They lose all their muscles.
C. They become unhygienic.
D. They may go mad.
[单项选择]What does "have lived a bit" mean

A. To be older than others.
B. To travel to more countries.
C. To have abundant life experience.
D. To have longer training in interpreting.
[单项选择]A high executive does not have a large vocabulary merely because of the opportunities of his position.
A. 仅由于没抓住职位的机会,高级管理人员没有掌握许多词汇。
B. 仅由于职位之便,高级经理有机会拥有大量的词汇。
C. 高级管理人员没有大量的词汇知识因为他的职位为他提供的机会不多。
D. 高级管理人员拥有大量的词汇,并不仅仅是由于职位为其提供了机会。


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