发布时间:2023-10-22 02:36:36

[单项选择]When Elephants Paint is a book ()
A. on the history of arts
B. about the painting elephants in Asia
C. explaining how to teach elephants to paint
D. chiefly theorizing about elephant art

更多"When Elephants Paint is a book ()"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What do the other elephants do when a female has died

A. The others throw their body away.
B. The others eat the dead body.
C. The others take a bit of the dead body away sadly.
D. The others bury the dead body.
[单项选择]To encourage the elephants to paint well, the keeper()
A. bought them a lot of art supplies
B. made them excited at the beginning
C. taught them to hold a paintbrush with their trunks
D. reinforced the desired behaviors with rewards
[单项选择]Elephants are very sad when ______.
[单项选择]When a female elephant dies, other elephants would ______.
A. forget it quickly
B. carry the dead body with them
C. never stay with the dead body
D. take a bit of the dead body away sadly
[单项选择]When the book reviewer discusses the book The Joy of Laziness, he is ______.

A. biased.
B. equivocal.
C. impartial.
D. dogmatic.
[单项选择]According to the passage when putting paint on the outside of your house, you should be careful ______.
A. not to let other people interfere
B. to use paint that will withstand both winter and summer conditions
C. to take into account the general appearance of the area
D. to allow for slight fading of the colors
[单项选择]The writer has the opinion that when you paint your house, you will most likely choose______.
A. the characteristic local colors
B. your favorite colors
C. the colors to your artistic taste
D. the colors that fit in well with furniture
[单项选择]When the book reviewer talks about the book,______.

A. he is in favor of it.
B. he is slightly critical of it.
C. he is strongly critical of it.
D. he is indifferent to it.
[单项选择]______ elephants are different from wild elephants in many aspects, including their tempers.
A. Cultivated
B. Regulated
C. Civil
D. Tame
[单项选择]When an Alexandrian wrote a book,
A. encyclopedias are close at hand.
B. he can refer to a biographical dictionary.
C. he may recopy every word he wrote.
D. he can ask a copyist to help him to write.
[单项选择]Several passages were fount ( )when the book ( ) me.
A. missing; returned
B. lost; was returned
C. gone; was returned to
D. disappeared; was returned to
[单项选择]Several passages were fount ______ when the book ______ me.
A. missing; returned
B. lost; was returned
C. gone; was returned to
D. disappeared; was returned to
[单项选择]Several passages were found ______ when the book ______ me.
A. missing; returned
B. lost; was returned
C. gone; was returned to
D. disappeared; was returned to


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