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发布时间:2023-10-18 23:13:40

[单项选择]Rivers have been important to man ______.
A. since the last century
B. for a very long time
C. since a few hundred years ago
D. since a few years ago

更多"Rivers have been important to man _"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Rivers have been important to man ______.
A. since the last century
B. for a very long time
C. since a few years ago
D. since a few hundred years ago
[单项选择]How much money could have been saved by the man

A. $68.
B. $35.
C. $49.
D. $53.

Of course, there have been times, as a young man, when I got tired from study and devoted my time to playing.()

A. tired of
B. got tired of
C. tired up
D. used to tire of
[单项选择]Man: I hear you have been working part-time.
Woman: Yeah, I must stand on my own feet. My parents are retired and their health is declining.
Question: What does the woman mean
A. She has recovered from an injury.
B. She does not depend on her parents any more.
C. Her parents used to enjoy good health.
D. Her parents used to have a good jo
[单项选择]Some important documents had been missing.
[单项选择]The most important advances made by man come from ______.
A. technical applications
B. apparently useless information
C. the natural sciences
D. the study of philosophy
[单项选择]The man-hunt would have been unsuccessful ________.
[单项选择]It is very important for the strong man to know that ______ strong he is, he cannot be the strongest.
A. whatever
B. whenever
C. whichever
D. however
[单项选择]Manyscientists have been probing psychologicalproblems.
A. solving
B. exploring
C. settling
D. handling
[单项选择]It is important to have the () positioned correctly before you type characters.
A. cursor
B. line
C. light
D. dot
[单项选择]It is important to have the()positionde correctly before you type characters.
A. cursor
B. line
C. light
D. dot
[单项选择]Man: I need some advice as I have an important interview tomorrow.Woman: Why don't you go ask Nick He has been a headhunter for 5 years and interviewed a lot of people.Question: What is the job of a headhunter according to the conversation
A. A job-seeking advisor.
B. A boss of a company.
C. Someone who is in charge of hunting.
D. Someone who is in charge of looking for talents.


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