发布时间:2023-11-16 04:41:21

[单项选择]It is important to have the () positioned correctly before you type characters.
A. cursor
B. line
C. light
D. dot

更多"It is important to have the () posi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is important to have the()positionde correctly before you type characters.
A. cursor
B. line
C. light
D. dot
[单项选择]Why is it important to have a project charter ?()
A. It is the collection of all subsidiary project document
B. The project charter is the necessary basis for all work packages to be performe
C. It formally authorizes the projec
D. It tracks the progress of the projec
[单项选择]What seems to be the most important thing you have to decide on before a meeting starts ______
A. The length of the agenda
B. The frequency of the meetings
C. A specific objective to accomplish
D. Operational issues
[单项选择]The most important requirement to have a life-supporting zone in any solar system is that it must have
A. enough water and proper temperature
B. enough oxygen and hydrogen
C. enough air and sunlight
D. enough water in any state
[单项选择]Norwegian farmers and fishermen have an important influence because ______.
A. they form such a large part of Norwegian ideal
B. their lives and values represent the Norwegian ideal
C. their work is so useful to the rest of Norwegian society
D. they regard oil as a threat to the Norwegian way of life
[单项选择]It's important to remember that nutrients have to work ______, and to take too much of one or another can be useless or even dangerous.
A. in check
B. in retrospect
C. in concert
D. in vogue
[单项选择]If you have unsupportive teachers, it is important ,first of all, to ______.

A. correct their negative image of you
B. change to another school and find supportive teachers
C. ask them to point out your shortcomings .....
D. give it due attention and find a correct picture of you
[单项选择]Very important people don't often have much free time as their work ______ all their time.
A. takes over
B. takes away
C. takes in
D. takes up
[单项选择]I have something important to talk over with you. Can you ______ to be here at 8 o'clock
A. conceive
B. manipulate
C. assume
D. contrive
[单项选择]Rivers have been important to man ______.
A. since the last century
B. for a very long time
C. since a few hundred years ago
D. since a few years ago
[单项选择]—I have something important to do now, would you please look ______ my baby for a while —Sure.
[单项选择]Man: I need some advice as I have an important interview tomorrow.Woman: Why don't you go ask Nick He has been a headhunter for 5 years and interviewed a lot of people.Question: What is the job of a headhunter according to the conversation
A. A job-seeking advisor.
B. A boss of a company.
C. Someone who is in charge of hunting.
D. Someone who is in charge of looking for talents.
[单项选择]We'll have an important meeting ______ Monday afternoon.


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