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发布时间:2023-10-10 15:22:01

[单项选择]Why is it important to have a project charter ?()
A. It is the collection of all subsidiary project document
B. The project charter is the necessary basis for all work packages to be performe
C. It formally authorizes the projec
D. It tracks the progress of the projec

更多"Why is it important to have a proje"的相关试题:

[单项选择]You have created the project charter but could not get it approved. Your manager and his boss asked that the project begin immediately. Which of the following is the BEST thing to do
A. Set up an integrated change control proces
B. Push to get the charter signe
C. Perform an impact analysi
D. Start work on only the critical path task
[单项选择]The project charter for a project was approved for planning and you have Just been assigned as project manager.Realizing that project planning is an ongoing effort throughout the project,which processes are you MOST likely to combine ?()
A. Create WBS and activity definitio
B. Activity duration estimating and schedule developmen
C. Human resource planning and cost estimatin
D. Cost estimating and cost budgetin
[单项选择]The project charter is created in which project management process group ?()
A. Executin
B. Plannin
C. Closin
D. Initiatin
[单项选择]When developing the project charter, any kind of the organzation's enterprise environmental factors must be considered. This may include the following EXCEPT______.
A. company reputation
B. personnel administration procedure, including training records
C. existing facilities and capital equipment
D. stakeholder risk tolerances
[单项选择]What is the purpose of a project charter ?()
A. To address and document the characteristics and boundaries of the project and its associated products and service
B. To formally authorize the project and provide the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resource
C. To link the project,which is going to be planned,executed,and monitored/controlled to the ongoing work of the organizatio
D. To break down the scope of the project into smaller,better manageable components for further planning and estimatin
[单项选择]In your software development project you have planned for system testing from March 1st and the duration is 10 days.Two days before the completion of the system test,you can start the user acceptance test.The 2 days in this case is an example of ().
A. lead
B. lag
C. delay
D. float
[单项选择]Project sponsors have the GREATEST influence on the scope, quality, time, and cost of the project during the ______ .
A. concept phase
B. development phase
C. execution phase
D. close-down phase
[单项选择]In your software development project you have to wait for 5 days after ordering a new software and then only you can start integration testing.The 5 days in this case is an example of ().
A. lead
B. lag
C. delay
D. float
[单项选择]The PM and the project team have completed decomposition and have verified scope, when the marking department makes a minor change to the product functionality to improve its appeal to the end customer. The PM and the project team ______ .
A. refuses to accept the change since the scope has been verified
B. modifies the WBS and the decomposition
C. accepts the change and incorporates it into the WBS, modifying the budget and the schedule and assigning accountability to the marking team
D. proceeds per the change process
[单项选择]The most important requirement to have a life-supporting zone in any solar system is that it must have
A. enough water and proper temperature
B. enough oxygen and hydrogen
C. enough air and sunlight
D. enough water in any state
[单项选择]What seems to be the most important thing you have to decide on before a meeting starts ______
A. The length of the agenda
B. The frequency of the meetings
C. A specific objective to accomplish
D. Operational issues
[单项选择]Why is blinking important

[单项选择]Why is music important
A. It can arouse excitement
B. It can help to slow down body rhythms
C. It can make people eager to study
D. It makes people used to the passive learning
[单项选择]The project will have to be given up _______________ the government agrees to invest enough money.
A. unless
B. if
C. so that
D. until
[单项选择]One important reason why teachers are leaving their profession is that they are
A. only too irresponsible to abandon pupils permanently.
B. stuck in the conflict between government and unions.
C. more or less dissatisfied with their working conditions.
D. not motivated to work more than 35 hours per week.
[单项选择]The most important reason why royal wedding causes such a great interest is that"______".
A. a commoner is married into a royal family
B. the prince finally finds his bride
C. a famous TV journalist gets married
D. the wedding is expensive


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