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发布时间:2023-10-28 01:51:41

[单项选择]The writer wrote the text because he has noticed that good table manners ______.

更多"The writer wrote the text because h"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The writer wrote Letter A because he ______.
A. was worried about what present he should give
B. wanted to make the whole family happy
C. wanted to know some social customs for a dinner party
D. would be a little late for a dinner party
[单项选择]Which British writer wrote the novel Hard Times
A. Thomas Hardy.
B. Charlotte Bronte.
C. George Bernard Shaw.
D. Charles Dickens.
[单项选择]The purpose that the writer wrote this article for is ______.
[单项选择]The writer wrote the article to ________.

A. praise the wounded soldiers
B. laugh at wounded soldiers
C. ask readers to learn from Dr. Bethune
[单项选择]The writer wrote the article to ________.A. praise the wounded soldiersB. laugh at wounded soldiersC. ask readers to learn from Dr. Bethune
[单项选择]When the writer says leadership has become the universal vitamin C pill, he means _________.
A. leadership can cure many diseases as vitamin C does.
B. leadership is an essential part of everybody.
C. leadership can prevent one from failure.
D. leadership brings power, respect, achievement, etc.
[单项选择]When the writer has finally posted his form, he ______.
A. heaves a sigh of relief
B. expects it to be ignored
C. expects there will be unexpected effects
D. awaits the arrival of an official
[单项选择]Has he changed his mind again I wish he'd at least be ______.
A. constant
B. insistent
C. persistent
D. consistent
[单项选择]Has he changed his mind again I wish he'd at least be ______.
A. constant
B. insistent
C. persistent
D. consistent
[单项选择]– Mr. Smith hasn’t got married, has he – Yes, he has. _____, he has a daughter already.
A. As a matter of fact
B. As a rule
C. Instead
D. However
[单项选择]In 1901, H.G. Wells, an English writer, wrote a book ______ a trip to the moon.
A. describe
B. described
C. describing
D. to describe
[单项选择] "Has he come back .... Yes, he __ back for three days.
A. has come
B. had come
C. is
D. has been
[单项选择]How did the writer feel when he visited his old neighborhood in Washington D. C.

A. Greatly surprised.
B. Very regretful.
C. Quite excited.
D. Very sad.
[单项选择]The writer cannot bear he question "How do you feel" because()
A. it is not a standard English sentence
B. it is often asked in an improper time or place
C. it is not right to say it to a friend
D. it makes people angry
[单项选择]When a writer is writing he often gets the whole conception ______.

A. after thinking for a long time
B. through an instant inspiration
C. according to his own experience
D. by way of watching the objects attentively


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