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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:02:38

[单项选择]What occurs when a design has been drawn on a flat surface with a special grease crayon and to which( the surface)water and then ink are applied
A. The ink adheres to the crayon image and is repelled by the moist areas.
B. The ink adheres to the moist areas and is repelled by the crayon image.
C. The water adheres to the crayon image and is repelled by the moist areas.
D. Both ink and water are repelled by the crayon imag

更多"What occurs when a design has been "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What occurs when a design has been drawn on a flat surface with a special grease crayon and to which( the surface)water and then ink are applied
A. The ink adheres to the crayon image and is repelled by the moist areas.
B. The ink adheres to the moist areas and is repelled by the crayon image.
C. The water adheres to the crayon image and is repelled by the moist areas.
D. Both ink and water are repelled by the crayon image.
[单项选择]What has been indicated by this incident

A. South Africa is a non-racial democracy.
B. Racism is still a problem in South Africa.
C. Police in South Africa react quickly to any criminal acts.
D. South Africa is still a dangerous plac
[单项选择]What has been the biggest sticking point throughout the negotiations

A. The issue of oil
B. The issue of federalism
C. The issue of trade
D. The issue of army
[单项选择]What change has been announced

A. The flight number.
B. The gate number.
C. The arrival time.
D. The airplane.
[单项选择]What program has been initiated

A. Spraying chemicals.
B. Building a high dam.
C. Raising funds in western countries.
D. Appealing for more international aid.
[单项选择]What kind of games has been introduced into video arcades nowadays

A. Driving sports cars.
B. Flying planes.
C. Fighting an enemy.
D. All of the above.
[单项选择]What has been the major problem in the Great Lakes in recent years

A. Too much algae.
B. Excessive recreational use.
C. Lack of adequate rainfall.
D. Too much evaporation.
[单项选择]What has been achieved in the meeting held in Bangkok

A. A proposal has been made to persuade tourists to return to the tsunami-stricken countries.
B. The World Bank is going to lend more money to those tsunami-hit countries.
C. The World Tourism Organization is going to hold a global competition.
D. Tourism officials from Asian countries are going to join together and found a new organization.
[单项选择]What has been agreed upon between the two auto companies

A. That Volvo will take over Renault.
B. To move their base to Sweden.
C. To work together.
D. To sell more cars to Japan.
[单项选择]Without my glasses I can hardly tell what has been written in the letter•
A. 如果不戴眼镜,我几乎不能说出信上写的是什么内容。
B. 如果不戴眼镜,我也差不多能看清信上写的什么内容。
C. 如果不戴眼镜,我很难辨认出信上写的是什么内容。
D. 如果戴着眼镜,我就能辨认出信上写的什么内容了。
[单项选择]From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the ______ that its disadvantages are far greater than its advantages.
A. solution
B. conclusion
C. answer
D. attention


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