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发布时间:2023-12-29 07:07:06


Passage 2
And researchers say that like those literary romantics Romeo and Juliet, they may be blind to the consequences of their quests for an idealized mate who serves their every physical and emotional need.
Nearly 19 in 20 never-married respondents to a national survey agree that "when you marry you want your spouse to be your soul mate, first and foremost." according to the State of Our Unions: 2001 study released Wednesday by Rutgers University.
David Popenoe, a Rutgers sociologist and one of the study’s authors, said that view might spell doom for marriages.
"It really provides a very unrealistic view of what marriage really is." Popenoe said. "The standard becomes so high, it’s not easy to bail out if you didn’t find a soul mate."
The survey points to a fundamental dilemma in which younger people want more from the institution of marriage while they seemingly axe unwilling to ma
A. Marriage Scholars Worry Search for "Soul Mates" is Unrealistic.
B. People Should Seek for Romeo and Juliet.
C. Marriage Should Happen between' Soul Mates.
D. Search for "Soul Mates" Should be Superseded by Reality.

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Passage 2
And researchers say that like those literary romantics Romeo and Juliet, they may be blind to the consequences of their quests for an idealized mate who serves their every physical and emotional need.
Nearly 19 in 20 never-married respondents to a national survey agree that "when you marry you want your spouse to be your soul mate, first and foremost." according to the State of Our Unions: 2001 study released Wednesday by Rutgers University.
David Popenoe, a Rutgers sociologist and one of the study’s authors, said that view might spell doom for marriages.
"It really provides a very unrealistic view of what marriage really is." Popenoe said. "The standard becomes so high, it’s not easy to bail out if you didn’t find a soul mate."
The survey points to a fundamental dilemma in which younger people want more from the institution of marriage while they seemingly axe unwilling to ma
A. "Ten years into a marriage, you will still have great passion and you notice someone else and say, 'Only my wife or husband is my soul mate.'"
B. "The romantic part of marriage—while it can be there—should not be substituted by other things such as shared values and social status."
C. "The couple should focus on the 'three Cs'—communication, conflict resolution and commitment—to make marriage the first priority."
D. "Ten years into a marriage, you don't have that any more and you notice someone else and think, 'Maybe this person is my soul mate.'"


Passage 4
Researchers have recently found a connection between disease and stressful situations. To test this theory, psychologists are trying to find a link between the brain and the immune system.
The immune system in our bodies fights the bacteria and viruses which cause disease. There- fore, whether or not we are likely to get various diseases depends on how well our immune system works. Biologists used to think that the immune system was a separate, independent part of our bodies. Recently, however, they have found that our brain can affect our immune system. This discovery indicates that there may be a connection between emotional factors, such as stress or depression, and illness.
Although many doctors in the past suspected a connection between emotional factor and disease, they had no proof. Scientists have only recently discovered how the brain and the immune sys- tem function. Before this, no one could see a link between them. As a result,
A. Unhappiness may cause disease.
B. Drinking alcohol may cause damage to the immune system.
C. too much sorrow is harmful to the immune system.
D. Psychological stress leads naturally to the damage of the immune system.

[单项选择]According to the passage lunar researchers have focused mostly on ______.
A. the possibility of finding water on the Moon
B. the lunar regolith
C. cataloging various land formations
D. craters and their origins
[单项选择]According to the passage, the researchers are interested in ______.

A. the mice that started dieting in old age
B. 27 of those 46 old genes that continued to behave like young genes
C. calorie restriction that works in people
D. dieting that makes sure a drug is effective
[单项选择]From the passage, the researchers could conclude from what happened that_______.

A. the subjects have very little influence to others
B. all the participants belong to three categories
C. people may change their strategies whenever necessary
D. the strategies of the games are actually dependable
[单项选择]According to the passage, the researchers from the Iowa university found that _______ can lead to "more frication and conflict" between the married couples.

A. similar personalities of the married couples.
B. similar political and religious views of the married couples.
C. differences on the outlook on life.
D. differences on how to deal with everyday matter.


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