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发布时间:2023-09-28 13:49:03

[单项选择]You can go out, ______you promise to be back before 11 o'clock.
A. even though
B. ever since
C. as far as
D. as long is

更多"You can go out, ______you promise t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]You can go out, ______you promise to be back before 11 o'clock.
A. even though
B. ever since
C. as far as
D. as long is
[填空题]You can never go straight into a site without first entering a category.
[单项选择]If you want to exchange some dollars, you can go to ______.

A. the hotel shop
B. the room staff
C. the front desk
[填空题]Passage 4 There are several ways you can find out the countries and places you wish to visit. If your fiiends have been there, you can talk to them. They may give you (1) and vivid descriptions about the place. Most important of all, they can offer some valuable (2) for the trip. Another way is to (3) a travel agency. An experienced (4) may offer you a lot of information. Besides, you can also read travel books. They are helpful and you can always read them (5) you want.
[单项选择]You can go to a travel agency and ask for a holiday()
A. introduction
B. advertisement
C. book
D. brochure
[单项选择]Will you buy me ______ stamps when you go out
A. some
B. any
C. little
D. a few of
[单项选择]When you go out, will you get me __ of today's China Daily

A. a piece
B. a paper
C. a copy
[单项选择]The further away you go out from the city,( )the scenes are.
A. the much attractive
B. the attractive
C. the most attractive
D. the more attractive
[单选题]题目 105
--Mom, must I go shopping with you? --No, you ( ).You can watch the film Big Hero 6 with your friends.
A. needn't
B. can't
C. shouldn't
D. mustn't
[单选题]题目 21
M.ike,can you go and ( ) how many flights there are from our city to London every day?
A. work out
B. look out
C. give out
D. find out
[单项选择]I'm sorry I can't go with you, but I wish you ______.
A. a good time
B. have a good time
C. to have a good time
D. will have a good time
[单项选择]When can I go to see her
A. On weekends.
B. Whenever I want.
C. Anytime except weekends.
D. When she wants to see me.
[单项选择]Before you carry out a survey, you should have a careful planning.
A. career
B. search
C. plan
D. research


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