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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:29

[单项选择]Your handwriting is ______mine.
A. more better
B. as well as
C. much better than
D. more better than

更多"Your handwriting is ______mine."的相关试题:

[单项选择]Your handwriting is ______mine.
A. more better
B. as well as
C. much better than
D. more better than
[单项选择]His handwriting is() yours.
A. more better
B. as well as
C. much better than
D. as better as
[单项选择]The handwriting of the President was successfully duplicated by the novelist.
A. reprinted
B. imitated
C. assimilated
D. facsimiled
[单项选择]Sasha: Handwriting analysis should be banned in court as evidence of a person’s character: handwriting analysis called as witnesses habitually exaggerate the reliability of their analyses.
Gregory: You are right that the current use of handwriting analysis as evidence is problematic. But this problem exists only because there is no licensing board to set professional standards and thus deter irresponsible analysts from making exaggerated claims. When such a board is established, however, handwriting analysis by licensed practitioners will be a legitimate courtroom tool for character assessment.
Gregory does which one of the following in responding to Sasha’s argument
A. He ignores evidence introduced as support for Sasha’s recommendation.
B. He defends a principle by restricting the class to which it is to be applied.
C. He abstracts a general principle from specific evidence.
D. He identifies as self-contradictory statement in Sash’s argument.
E. (E) He shows that Sasha’s argument itself manifests the undesirable characteristic that it condemns.
[单项选择]Written at least 100 years ago, the handwriting faded and certainly became ______.
A. infinite
B. illegible
C. infectious
D. immune
[简答题]Maybe your car isn’t your car.
[简答题]Relieved of your responsibilities at your job, your home should be a place to relax at.
[单选题]题目 42
Before you quit your job, how your family would feel about your decision.
C.to consider
[简答题]1) express your gratitude 2) show your appreciation of the good days you’ve had together 3) and give her your wishes. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)
[单项选择]Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true ( ) it comes to classroom tests.
A. when
B. while
C. as
D. after
[单项选择]You have your right to be concerned about your future work, whereas the interviewer has his about your ability to do the job.
A. 你有权关注自己未来的工作,并让面试官知道你有能力做这项工作。
B. 你有权关心自己未来的工作,面试官同样也有权关注你的工作能力。
C. 你应该了解自己未来的工作,并使面试官知道你有能力做这项工作。
D. 你应该相信自己未来的工作,面试官同样也知道你能胜任这项工作。
[单项选择]Taking time to clear your mind can improve your spirits-and your ( ).
A. immunity
B. community
C. unity
D. solidarity
[单选题]题目 124
Before you quit your job, ( ) how your family would feel about your decision.
A. consider
B. considering
C. to consider
D. considered
[单项选择]But for your invitation, I()to your birthday party.
A. would not have come
B. had come
C. came
D. did come
[单项选择]--Is your mother of the same age as your father
--No, my father is S years ______ my mother.

A. as old as
B. senior to
C. much older
D. seniors
[单项选择]Your employer will ______ income tax from your salary.

A. reconcile
B. reclaim
C. deduct
D. distract
[单项选择]For your own ______, please fasten your belts before the plane takes off.
A. safeguard
B. save
C. safety
D. safenor
[单项选择]Your remarks are______ due to your carefulness, no one can misinterpret them.

A. explicit
B. implicit
C. eloquent
D. deliberate


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