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发布时间:2023-10-18 05:00:03

[单项选择]______ and William Shakespeare arc the best representatives of the English humanism.

A. Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe
B. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe
C. John Donne, Edmund Spenser
D. John Milton, Thomas More

更多"______ and William Shakespeare arc "的相关试题:

[单项选择]______ and William Shakespeare arc the best representatives of the English humanism.

A. Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe
B. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe
C. John Donne, Edmund Spenser
D. John Milton, Thomas More
[单项选择]______is William Shakespeare's hometown.
A. Canterbury
B. Stratford-on-Avon
C. Liverpool
D. London
[单项选择]The director __________ Tom as his official representative at the conference.

A. consolidated
B. nominated
C. affiliated
D. dissipated
[单项选择]Where arc they talking
A. In a clothes store.
B. In a book-shop.
C. In a supermarket.
[单项选择]What does Shakespeare's remark imply

A. Fashionable clothes are easily to wear out.
B. Clothing changes faster than men do.
C. Fashion makes more clothes poor in quality.
D. Clothing becomes unfashionable long before it has worn out.
[单项选择]The five great tragedies written by Shakespeare are Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello and______.
A. King Lear
B. Julius Caesar
C. Twelfth Night
D. Antony and Cleopatra
[单项选择]It is said that Shakespeare left Stratford because he ______.

A. had a fight with Sir Thomas Lucy
B. was learning to be a landowner
C. stole rabbits from a butcher
D. was fed up with his life there
[填空题]From science to Shakespeare, excellent video programs __________________________. (大量地提供给教师使用)
[单项选择]Children as young as four will study Shakespeare in a project being launched today by the Royal Shakespeare Company.
The RSC is holding its first national conference for primary school teachers to encourage them to use the Bard’s plays imaginatively in the classroom from reception classes onwards. The conference will be told that they should learn how Shakespearian characters like Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, are "jolly characters" and how to write about them.
At present, the national curriculum does not require pupils to approach Shakespeare until secondary school. All it says is that pupils should study " texts drawn from a variety of cultures and traditions" and "myths, legends and traditional stories".
However, educationists at the RSC believe children will gain a better appreciation of Shakespeare if they are introduced to him at a much younger age. "Even very young children can enjoy Shakespeare’s plays," said Mary Johnson, head of the learning depar
A. How to give pupils a flavour of Shakespeare drama.
B. The fun of reading Shakespeare.
C. RSC project will teach children how to write on Shakespeare.
D. RSC project will help four-year-old children find the fun in Shakespeare.

It is because of his plays that Shakespeare is now considered the greatest English writer in history. The era in which he lived, Elizabethan England, was a time in which broad interests and creativity could flourish. Elizabeth, the queen, was beloved by her subjects and proved to be a powerful and able ruler. Under the reign of Elizabeth, England changed from an island kingdom to an expanding empire. England grew rich through trade. 16th-century Englishmen traveled to the New World and to Africa. Music, dance, poetry, painting, and architecture flourished; but the art form in which Elizabethan England distinguished the rest of Europe was the theater.
The theater, which had practically disappeared from Europe, was, at this time, received as a part of the church service. Later, no longer as a part of the service, the "mystery plays" responded to popular taste by adding more and more comic elements. In England, they were sponsored by various trade guilds and presen
A. enjoyed
B. sponsored
C. encouraged
D. promoted


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