发布时间:2023-09-28 13:49:03

[单项选择]The number of the employees ______ in this company.
A. have doubled
B. has doubled
C. are doubled
D. were doubled

更多"The number of the employees ______ "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What is the company trying to teach its employees to do

A. To listen to others.
B. To hear others.
C. To cure ear problems.
D. To learn communication skills.
[单项选择]Over ______ of the employees in this company were men.

A. nine tenth
B. nine-tenth
C. nine-tenths
D. nine-tenthes
[单项选择]The number of people in our company()every year.
A. rise
B. raise
C. rises
D. are raised
[简答题]odd number
[单项选择]Safety Notice
All employees should familiarize themselves with the following revisions to our "Safe Workplace" guidelines.
As part of our policy to reduce the risk of injury and to promote safe work practices, Wood Tech has revised its guidelines on appropriate footwear for the workplace.
· All employees working in designated "risk zones" (production, warehousing, and loading facilities) must wear protective shoes at all times. Protective footwear refers to shoes that have reinforced steel toecaps and that conform to the specifications of the National Work Safety Code (NWSC 202).
· Employees who do not work in designated "risk zones" or whose work does not require the lifting of heavy objects are required to wear appropriate safe footwear. Safe footwear includes only shoes that have low heels, non-slip soles, and leather uppers. Sandals, trainers, and slip-on shoes do not qualify as safe footwear.
All employees ar
A. To WoodTech suppliers
B. Only to sales personnel and trainers
C. To clients visiting WoodTech facilities
D. To everyone who works at WoodTech
[单项选择]Employees are encouraged to support the greening of the home office in ______ ways they feel most comfortable.
A. whenever
B. whichever
C. however
D. wherever
Motivate your employees like Jack Welch

I just returned from speaking to hospitality executives in Oslo and Amsterdam as part of my work as a communications coach. While preparing for the presentations, I asked the organizers about the biggest challenge facing hospitality managers in their countries. The answer was exactly what I hear from their U. S. counterparts: motivating employees to offer exceptional customer service. The challenge is universal across countries and industries. Fortunately, so is the solution.
Motivation starts with employee engagement, and engagement begins with effective communication skills. In my presentation to hotel and travel executives, I quoted Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric (GE) and current Business Week columnist, who once said: ’ No company, large or small, can succeed over the long run without energized employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it. ’ Three key points
A. the company will get bigger and bigger
B. they don’t mind how much salary they get
C. they will make great efforts for the mission
D. they don’t care so much about the company’s products
[单项选择]The employer tried to bully his employees from staging strikes by threatening to close down the entire plant.

A. intimidate
B. integrate
C. ridicule
D. humiliate
[简答题]Good employers talk openly with employees, keep employees informed about bad news as well as good news, give them opportunities to air their concerns.
[单项选择]How many of the employees in this organization are men
A. 80.
B. 20.
C. 40.
D. 60.
[单项选择]Text 3 Employees of the Taft Vale Railway Company in South Wales greased the tracks and cut telegraph wires during a bitter strike in 1900. The next year the House of Lords ruled that their union could be sued for damaging the company. The shock to the union movement inspired the Labour Party and a 1906 Trade Disputes Act, aimed at protecting strikers from such punishment through the courts. On May 18th in 2010, leaders of Unite, a trade union, invoked the spirit of Taff Vale after a court injunction stopped a threatened 20-day series of strikes by British Airways’ cabin crew, 90 percent of whom are Unite members. The judgment, which Unite called an "absolute disgrace", hung on a technicality: that the results of the strike ballot had not been relayed correctly to BA staff. The union immediately appealed, and on May 20th had the judgment overturned. So for BA the strike had only been slightly delayed. The court saga illustrates the unyielding antipathy in the dispute
A. low-cost airlines will enjoy sustained growth.
B. expansion of low-cost airlines is well-timed.
C. volcanic ash and the euro crisis will affect most airlines.
D. BA may favor the short-haul model.


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