发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:29

[单项选择]Waiter: Good afternoon. ______
Customer: I think I'll start off with a cup of soup. What kind of soup do you have today

更多"Waiter: Good afternoon. ______Custo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Customer: Good evening. I booked a table for 4 under the name Hunt.
Waiter: Just a minute. ______
[单项选择]Customer: ______.
Waiter: I'm sorry. Didn't you order fried shrimp
Customer: I ordered fried chicken.
Waiter: Oh, all I heard was fried shrimp. Let me have kitchen redo this for you.
[单项选择]Shop-assistant: Can I help you
Customer: Yes, I'd like to try these shoes in size 4, please
Shop-assistant: Yes, just a moment ... I'm sorry but we've only got them in four and a half. ______
A. How about another pair
B. Do you want to try them on
C. Do you need any help
D. Any particular color
[单项选择]Speaker A: I think cartoons on TV are not good for kids to watch. There’s too much violence in them.
Speaker B: ( ).
A. Yes, cartoons on TV can stimulate children’s imagination.
B. I wonder why children like to imitate the violent actions in the cartoons.
C. Oh, but I don’t think anyone really takes them seriously, do you They’re just for fun.
D. Well, which cartoon do you think involve the most violence
[单项选择]I think I shall finish it()
A. a few minutes late
B. late a few minutes
C. a few minutes later
D. later a few minutes
[单项选择]I think no news ______good news. He will be back soon.

A. are
B. is
C. was
[单项选择]I don't think he is that innocent, I think he did it ______.

A. tiresomely
B. intentionally
C. incidentally
D. pertinently
[单项选择]I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some ______.
A. at last
B. in case
C. once again
D. in time
[单项选择]While()the novel, I didn't think I would identify with the characters in it.
A. read
B. having read
C. being reading
D. reading
[单项选择]I disapprove of diets so strongly because I think it' s wrong to ______ your body of certain foods.

A. deprive
B. exempt
C. allege
D. justify
[单选题]题目 48
--Xiao Jie is a good friend indeed. He is always there whenever I am ( ). --I think so.He is just like the cute Baymax(大白).
A. in trouble
B. in style
C. in order
D. /
[单项选择]After a year’s hard work I think I am () to a long holiday.
A. entailed
B. deserved
C. entitled
D. satisfied

W:I don’t think I can handle all of these books for this course.
M:I found that you don’t have to read them thoroughly. Just skim through and get the major points.

How does the woman feel about her books()
A. They are too heavy and she can’t carry them
B. They are too many and she can’t read them all
C. They are too difficult and complex
D. She feels too tired to read
[单项选择]I know you think I'm talking nonsense, but ______ you will realize I am right.

A. at one time
B. in time
C. at times
D. on time

W:I think I’ll take the whole day tour of the village.
M:Why not the half day

What does the man suggest()
A. Spending less time on sightseeing.
B. Visiting the city with a group.
C. Touring the city on a free day.
D. Taking the man with her on the tour.
[单项选择]I don't think I can ______ another night with so little sleep.

A. live
B. stand
C. keep
D. take
[单项选择]A. You’re wrong. B. I don’t think so, I’m afraid.
C. Not at all. D. No, that’s not real.
[单项选择]—Do you think I could borrow your dictionary
A. Yes, you may borrow
B. Yes, you could
C. Yes, help yourself
D. Yes, go on


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