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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:54:13

[单项选择]The old professor()oral lessons is from Australia.
A. gave us
B. gives us
C. giving us
D. given us

更多"The old professor()oral lessons is "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The old professor()oral lessons is from Australia.
A. gave us
B. gives us
C. giving us
D. given us
[单项选择]The conclusion Professor Hetherington drew from her study is that______.

A. the pain of divorce may prevent one from beginning a better life
B. most divorces lead to happy adults and children
C. half of divorced people deal successfully with the challenges of divorce
D. the challenges of divorce may make one more realistic and sensible
[单项选择]The old professor had such a bad memory that he looked for the watch while he is ______ .
A. having it on
B. having on it
C. wearing it
D. putting it on
[单项选择]( ), the old professor is still trying to learn a foreign language.
A. However he is old
B. Old as he is
C. He is so old
D. As is he old
[单项选择]We can learn from the passage that Professor Mishan______.

[单项选择]From Professor Barbara's experiment, we can learn that______.

A. people increase the number of calories they eat per day and gain weight
B. the "low fat" yogurt group ate less calories later than the other group
C. two groups ate the same amount of yogurt
D. people who eat low fat yogurt will not gain weight
[单项选择]He is()of steeling money from the old woman.
A. accused
B. emerged
C. charged
D. expected
[单项选择]Professor John McMorran's retirement ______ from next semester.

A. takes effect
B. brings effect
C. puts into effect
D. carries into effect
[单项选择]The younger generation ______ greatly from the older generation in many ways.
A. differ
B. differed
C. different
D. differs
[单项选择]Professor John McMorran's retirement ______ from next semester.
A. takes effect B. brings effect C. puts into effect D. carries into effect
[单项选择]Professor Johnson's retirement ______ from next Junuary.
A. carries into effect
B. takes effect
C. has effect
D. puts into effect
[单项选择]Professor Johnson's retirement ______ from next January.
A. carries into effect
B. takes effect
C. has effect
D. puts into effect


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