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发布时间:2023-10-25 01:18:31

[填空题]The DNA of chimpanzees shows a remarkable ______ to that of humans. (similar)

更多"The DNA of chimpanzees shows a rema"的相关试题:

1. Chimpanzees(黑猩猩)will soon be extinct(灭绝). If the present rate of hunting and habitat(栖息地)destruction continues, then within 20 years,there will be no chimpanzees living in the wild. But this is more than an environmental or moral tragedy(悲剧). Chimpanzee extinction may also have profound implications (含意)for the survival of their distant relatives -- human beings.
2. In 1975 the biologist Marie-Claire King and Allan Wilson discovered that the human and chimpanzee genomes(基因组)match by over 98%. Compare this to the mouse used as model for human disease in lab tests,which shares only 60% of its DNA with us.
In fact, chimpanzees are far more similar to humans than they are to any other spectes of monkey. As well as resembling US genetically, chimps are highly intelligent and able to use tools. These facts alone should be enough to make protection of chimps an urgent priority(优先). But there is another,more selfish reason to preserve the chimp.


Chimpanzees 1. Chimpanzees(黑猩猩)will soon be extinct(灭绝). If the present rate of hunting and habitat(栖息地)destruction continues, then within 20 years,there will be no chimpanzees living in the wild. But this is more than an environmental or moral tragedy(悲剧). Chimpanzee extinction may also have profound implications (含意)for the survival of their distant relatives -- human beings. 2. In 1975 the biologist Marie-Claire King and Allan Wilson discovered that the human and chimpanzee genomes(基因组)match by over 98%. Compare this to the mouse used as model for human disease in lab tests,which shares only 60% of its DNA with us. In fact, chimpanzees are far more similar to humans than they are to any other spectes of monkey. As well as resembling US genetically, chimps are highly intelligent and able to use tools. These facts alone should be enough to make protection of chimps an urgent priority(优先). But there is another,more selfish reason to preserve the chimp. 3. The chimpanzees&r

[填空题]The great discourtesy an unpunctual person shows to the host and other guests is that he keeps all the other guests ______.
[简答题]如何利用T4 DNA聚合酶进行双链DNA的3’端标记
A. 58% 
B. 42% 
C. 29% 
D. 21%
TV Games Shows

One of the most fascinating things about television is the size of the audience. A novel can be on the "best sellers" list with a sale of fewer than 100, 000 copies, but a popular TV show might have 70 million TV viewers. TV can make anything or anyone well known overnight.
This is the principle behind "quiz" or "game" shows, which put ordinary people on TV to play a game for the prize and money. A quiz show can make anyone a star, and it can give away thousands of dollars just for fun. But all of this money can create problems. For instance, in the 1950s, quiz shows were very popular in the U.S. and almost everyone watched them. Charles Van Doren, an English instructor, became rich and famous after winning money on several shows. He even had a career as a television personality. But one of the losers proved that Charles Van Doren was cheating. It turned out that the show&r
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned


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