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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:33:36

[单项选择]Passage Five
The spectacular auroral light displays that appear in Earth’s atmosphere around the north and south magnetic poles were once mysterious phenomena. Now, scientists have data from satellites and ground-based observations from which we know that the auroral brilliance is an immense electrical discharge similar to that occurring in a neon sign.
To understand the cause of auroras, first picture the Earth enclosed by its magnetosphere, a huge region crated by the Earth’s magnetic field. Outside the magneto-sphere, blasting, toward the Earth is the solar wind, a swiftly moving plasma of ionized gases with its own magnetic field. Charged particles in this solar wind speed earth- ward along the solar wind’s magnetic lines of force with a spiraling motion. The Earth’s magnetosphere is a barrier to solar wind, and forces the charged parti
A. Before advances in technology, scientists knew little about auroras.
B. Scientists cannot yet explain the causes of the different colors in auroras.
C. New knowledge about the fusion of atoms allowed scientists to learn more about auroras.
D. Until scientists learn more about plasma physics, little knowledge about auroras will be available.

更多"Passage Five The spectacu"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Five
The spectacular auroral light displays that appear in Earth’s atmosphere around the north and south magnetic poles were once mysterious phenomena. Now, scientists have data from satellites and ground-based observations from which we know that the auroral brilliance is an immense electrical discharge similar to that occurring in a neon sign.
To understand the cause of auroras, first picture the Earth enclosed by its magnetosphere, a huge region crated by the Earth’s magnetic field. Outside the magneto-sphere, blasting, toward the Earth is the solar wind, a swiftly moving plasma of ionized gases with its own magnetic field. Charged particles in this solar wind speed earth- ward along the solar wind’s magnetic lines of force with a spiraling motion. The Earth’s magnetosphere is a barrier to solar wind, and forces the charged parti
A. The periodic variation in the displays of auroras.
B. The information and appearance of auroras around the Earth’s poles.
C. The factors that cause the variety of colors in auroras.
D. The methods used to observe auroras from outer space.
[填空题]This passage outlines five strategies for making parents wise consumers.

[单项选择]Passage One Five or six years ago, I attended a lecture on the science of attention. A philosopher who conducts research in the medical school was talking about attention blindness, the basic feature of the human brain that, when we concentrate intensely on one task, causes us to miss just about everything else. Because we can’t see what we can’t see, our lecturer was determined to catch us in the act. He had us watch a video of six people tossing basketballs back and forth, three in white shirts and three in black, and our task was to keep track only of the tosses among the people in white. The tape rolled, and everyone began counting. Everyone except me, I’m dyslexic (有阅读障碍的),and the moment I saw that grainy tape with the confusing basketball tossers, I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep track of their movements, so I let my mind wander. My curiosity was aroused, though, when about 30 seconds into the tape, a gorilla (大猩猩)came in among the players. She (we later learned
A. basketball
B. an experiment
C. a philosopher
D. a gorilla
[单项选择]Passage Two Five or six years ago, I attended a lecture on the science of attention. A philosopher who conducts research in the medical school was talking about attention blindness, the basic feature of the human brain that, when we concentrate intensely on one task, causes us to miss just about everything else. Because we can’t see what we can’t see, our lecturer was determined to catch us in the act. He had us watch a video of six people tossing basketballs back and forth, three in white shirts and three in black, and our task was to keep track only of the tosses among the people in white. The tape rolled, and everyone began counting. Everyone except me, I’m dyslexic (有 阅读障碍 的),and the moment I saw that grainy tape with the confusing basketball tossers, I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep track of their movements, so I let my mind wander. My curiosity was aroused, though, when about 30 seconds into the tape, a gorilla (大 猩 猩)came in among the players. She (we later learned a f
A. an experiment
B. a basketball match
C. a philosopher
D. a gorilla

Passage Five

The age at which young children begin to make moral discriminations about harmful actions committed against themselves or others has been the focus of recent research into the moral development of children. Until recently, child psychologists supported pioneer developmentalist Jean. Piaget in his hypothesis that because of their immaturity, children under age seven do not take into account the intentions of a person commit- ting accidental or deliberate harm, but rather simply assign punishment for on the basis of the magnitude of the negative consequences caused. According to Piaget, children under age seven occupy the first stage of moral development, which is characterizsd by moral absolutism (rules made by authorities must be obeyed) and imminent justice (if rules are broken, punishment will be meted out). Until youn
A. Differentiating between foreseeable and unforeseeable harm.
B. Identifying with the perpetrator of a harmful action.
C. Justifying harmful actions that result from provocation.
D. Evaluating the magnitude of negative consequences resulting from the breaking of rules.


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