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发布时间:2024-06-08 22:49:14

[简答题]Although Republican Dwight Eisenhower won the United States presidency in A B 1952 and 1956, the Democrats ran Congress for six of his eight years into office. C D

更多"Although Republican Dwight Eisenhow"的相关试题:

[单项选择]{{B}}Passage 3{{/B}}
Although the United States has been shaped by continual waves of immigrants, Americans have often viewed immigration as a problem. Established Americans often look down on new immigrants. Despite such tensions, economic needs have always forced Americans to seek immigrants as laborers and settlers, and economic opportunities have appealed to foreigners. The vast majority of immigrants to the United States have come in search of jobs and the chance to create a better life for themselves and their families.
In all of American history, less than 10 percent of immigrants have come for political or religious reasons.
Economic immigrants from Europe, Asia, and Latin America have come to the United States voluntarily. Others, most African Americans, were involuntarily transported to North America to do forced labor or to be so
A. the United States is a nation who hates immigrants
B. the United States is a nation who needs immigrants
C. the United States is a nation of immigrants
D. the United States is a nation who is a melting pot
[填空题]__________ (在我看来,他算不上是个了不起的科学家) although he won the Nobel prize in physics decades ago.
[单项选择]Dwight attended Lincoln elementary school, directly across the street from his home. The curriculum emphasized rote learning. "The darkness of the classrooms on a winter day and the monotonous hum of recitation," Eisenhower wrote in his memoirs ...” are my sole surviving memories. I was either a lackluster student or involved in a lackluster program." He came to life for the spelling bee and arithmetic. Spelling contests aroused in him his competitive drive and his hatred of careless mistakes —he became a self-confessed martinet on the subject of orthography. Arithmetic appealed to him because it was logical and straightforward —an answer was either right or wrong.
The subject that really excited him, however, was one that he pursued on his own, military history. He became so engrossed in it, in fact, that he neglected his chores and his schoolwork. His first hero was Hannibal. Then he became a student of the American Revolution, and George Washington excited his admiration, He ta
[单项选择]Who won the match
A. Our team.
B. No. 5 Middle School
C. They lost.
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

Dwight attended Lincoln elementary school, directly across the street from his home. The curriculum emphasized rote learning. "The darkness of the classrooms on a winter day and the monotonous hum of recitation," Eisenhower wrote in his memoirs ...” are my sole surviving memories. I was either a lackluster student or involved in a lackluster program." He came to life for the spelling bee and arithmetic. Spelling contests aroused in him his competitive drive and his hatred of careless mistakes —he became a self-confessed martinet on the subject of orthography. Arithmetic appealed to him because it was logical and straightforward —an answer was either right or wrong.
The subject that really excited him, however, was one that he pursued on his own, military history. He became so engrossed in it, in fact, that he neglected his chores and his schoolwork. His first hero was Hannibal. Then he became a student of t
A. benefited a lot from rote learning
B. was an average student
C. studied very hard in spite of the dull courses
D. was good at sports
[填空题]I won’t do it well if you don’t help me. I won’t do it well ______ ______ ______.
[单项选择]Which unit is Bob learning
A. Unit 1.
B. Unit 2.
C. Unit 3.


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