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发布时间:2023-11-25 18:52:15



[简答题]北京考场:an important conversation   what the situation is   who you talked with   what you talked about
[简答题] 郑州考场:电器   非常容易说的一个话题,但是在过去的题库中曾经有出现(except computer)的字样。   因此建议大家说MP4,PSP这样比较“高科技”的东西。   思路   1 谁给你的   2 平常都用它来做什么   3 这个产品在人们生活中的角色   4 如果科技进步,希望它具备什么样的功能   思路:Cell phone, as one of the greatest invention in the 21st century, has changed our lives a lot. People can use it to make a more convenient communicating way. it is no need for us to wait for several days to get information from friends who live far away. It is no worry about missing calls from others when we are not at home. However, it also brings us many bad effects. We may be disturbed by the phone call when we are sleeping or reading. As a result, it is hard to say whether cell phone is good or not for us, but it is true that almost nobody can live without it.
[判断题]课堂对话是教师与学生以教材内容为“话题”或“谈资”共同生成“文本”和创造“意义”的过程。 ( )
A. 早已 B.早已 C.早已 D.早已
[判断题]参加资格考试的人员,违反考场规则,扰乱考场秩序的,在三年内不得参加资格考试。( )
[判断题]参加证券从业人员资格考试的人员,违反考场规律,扰乱考场秩序的,一年内不得参加资格考试。( )
[判断题]参加证券从业人员资格考试的人员,违反考场规律,扰乱考场秩序的,3年内不得参加资格考试。( )
依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A. 界限 共鸣
B. 分界 震撼
C. 界线 共振
D. 阻隔 震颤
[单项选择]高考期间,地处某考场附近的一房地产项目的销售经理,组织销售人员向考场外在烈日下等候的家长派送饮料。这种行为属于房地产促销组合中的( )。
A. 销售促进
B. 关系推广
C. 广告推进
D. 人员促销
[简答题]天津考场:name hometown 你经常看电视吗
[简答题] 郑州考场:报纸   Newspapers   思路:   什么类型   好处   One interesting western festival I have learned from the media is the tomato fight festival in Spain in a little town. Every year tens of thousands of people from all over the world come to Spain to join in the fight. It is all about having fun. You can throw tomatoes at anyone and they will greet you with the same treat. Sooner you will get the red juice all over your body. And people will clean the street after the happy time is over. I think it is a good way for making friends and I wish we had this type of festival in my country.   As for the eastern festival, I would like to share with you the Spring festival in china, which is the most important one of the year. It is time for us to say goodbye to the past and welcome a new beginning. And for Chinese people who value family, the delight is being able to sit at the same table having the rich dinner with people you love and care about.


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