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发布时间:2023-11-25 18:46:58

[简答题] Cómo se dice la disciplina científica que estudia la vida que existió hace millones y millones de a os

更多"Cómo se dice la disciplina científi"的相关试题:

[填空题] Hay individuos e incluso organizaciones que se declaran (1)contra(2)la globalización.
[简答题] No te puedes imaginar lo generoso que es esa se ora!
[填空题]Dans deux jours, dès que les examens (se terminer)_____, nous(faire) nos malles et (partir)_____ en vacances. Se seront terminer,ferons partirons
[填空题]________ dice el anciano, tendremos que caminar siempre ________ el norte para llegar adonde viven las tribus.
[填空题]Les peuples du monde se sont rendu compte que l’impérialisme et tous les réactionnaires (être)_________des tigres en papier.
[填空题]tocar, dar, haber que, llevar, preparar(se), tener que, traer –Ma ana a las diez vendrán a buscaros, ______________ tres golpes en la puerta. Vosotros ______________ estar ______________ a las diez en punto. Un compa ero os ______________ aquí los documentos y os ______________ a la estación ferroviaria.
[简答题] No se limitó a exponer su criterio, sino que trató de imponérnoslo a todos.
[单项选择]A pair of dice, rolled again and again, will eventually produce two sixes. Similarly, the virus that causes influenza is constantly changing at random and, one day, will mutate in a way that will enable it to infect billions of people, and to kill millions. Many experts now believe a global outbreak of pandemic flu is overdue, and that the next one could be as bad as the one in 1918, which killed somewhere between 25m and 50m people. Today however, advances in medicine offer real hope that another such outbreak can be contained-if governments start preparing now.
New research published this week suggests that a relatively small stockpile of an antiviral drug-as little as 3m doses--could be enough to limit sharply a flu pandemic if the drugs were deployed quickly to people in the area surrounding the initial outbreak. The drug’s manufacturer, Roche, is talking to the World Health Organisation about donating such a stockpile.
This is good news. But much more needs to be done, e
A. publications of new research with respect to the supply of the interference from outside
B. construction of an adequate system of surveillance of early influenza cases
C. availability of anti-viral drugs and any vaccine in underdeveloped nations
D. contracts between various nations concerning quarantine and containment


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