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发布时间:2024-03-29 03:20:13

[单项选择]Visitors from space may have landed on our planet dozens, even hundreds of times during the long, empty ages while Man was still a dream of the distant future. Indeed, they could have landed on 90 percent of the earth as recently as two or three hundred years ago, and we could never have heard of it. If one searches through old newspapers and local records, one can find many reports of strange incidents that could be interpreted as visits from outer space. A stimulating writer, Charles Fort, has made a collection of UFO sighting in his book! One is tempted to believe them more than any modern reports, for the simple reason that they happened long before anyone had ever thought of space travel. Yet at the same time, one can’t take them too seriously, for before scientific education was widespread, even sightings of meteors, comets, auroras, and so on, gave rise to the most incredible stories, as they still do today.
The author implies that the space age has ______.
A. weakened the reliability of reported sightings
B. increased the number of UFO sightings
C. allowed more scientific study of UFO’s
D. solved the age-old mystery of UFO’s

更多"Visitors from space may have landed"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Visitors from space may have landed on our planet dozens, even hundreds of times during the long, empty ages while Man was still a dream of the distant future. Indeed, they could have landed on 90 percent of the earth as recently as two or three hundred years ago, and we could never have heard of it. If one searches through old newspapers and local records, one can find many reports of strange incidents that could be interpreted as visits from outer space. A stimulating writer, Charles Fort, has made a collection of UFO sighting in his book! One is tempted to believe them more than any modern reports, for the simple reason that they happened long before anyone had ever thought of space travel. Yet at the same time, one can’t take them too seriously, for before scientific education was widespread, even sightings of meteors, comets, auroras, and so on, gave rise to the most incredible stories, as they still do today.
According to the passage, visitors from space may have landed on the
A. long before man had dreamed of it
B. long before there were human beings
C. in the last few hundred years
D. after the space age began

M: I have just received an email from one of our former classmates, Tom.
W: Me, too.

What does the woman indicate( ).
A. Tom is her former boss,
B. Tom is her classmate.
C. Tom has contacted with her recently.
[单项选择]Seen from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”.()
A. 如果从太空中看地球的话,地球像一个蓝色的行星,而且地球的表面70%都是水。
B. 地球表面的70%都被水覆盖着,从太空中看地球,它就像一颗蓝色的行星。
C. 从太空上看我们的地球,它表面的70%都被水覆盖着,看上去像一颗蓝色的行星。
D. 从太空中看到地球的表面的70%都是水,它是一个蓝色的行星。
[简答题]We have learned from our Embassy that you are interested in importing Chinese silk products. We are a long-established exporter of silk products in China and we have a very good reputation both at home and abroad. Our products sell well all over the world and are highly valued by our customers for their excellent quality and fine workmanship (工艺). Enclosed are our catalogue and price list covering all the products. We are looking forward to your early reply.
[单项选择]Our planet is like d big spaceship. Our atmosphere acts 【1】 a shield against harmful radiation and space debris. 【2】 holds the air and people on the spaceship, 【3】 everything doesn’’t float away. Each of us is an astronaut and our spaceship, the earth, provides our food and water. The sun is our energy 【4】 and without it we would not be able to survive. 【5】 every spaceship, the earth is a closed system. The only thing we receive from the outside is energy from: the sun. Everything else must be used 【6】 again. We astronauts don’’t seem to realize that this spaceship is the 【7】 one we’’ve got We 【8】 its resources and waste the energy that the plants have stored from the sun. If we 【9】 our spaceship, we will destroy ourselves as well Maybe if we look at the universe which surrounds us, we will appreciate our own spaceship more and take 【10】 care of it.
A. As
B. Like
C. With
D. Different from


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