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发布时间:2024-03-22 02:52:40

What happened last year to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston [A] It was divided into two museums. [B] It was replaced by a new museum called MEP. [C] Its commercial function was overtaken by a company.

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What Are the Fine Arts
What we call the fine arts are considered to he painting, sculpture, literature, drama, music, dancing, and architecture.
Today, many curious experiments are being made in all the fine arts. But the traditional methods and products of the fine arts all have things in common. For one thing they have "design". Design can be with sounds, with stones, with words, with building materials, with lines, and paint. A work of fine art is designed. And within that design, the creator uses "rhythm". "balance" , and "harmony’.
Rhythm comes from the more or less regular repetition of similar sounds, colors, shapes, and movements. Balance is the arrangement of: what the artist works with so that the result seems right to us. And harmony is putting things together that seem to belong together. These, of course, are only rough ideas of what a creator in the fine arts tries to do.
Now please fin

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A. Art.
B. Sewing.
C. Computer.
D. Cooking.
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When did the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston begin retailing

Boston Museum of Fine Arts is a privately-funded museum of fine arts. It was founded in 1870 and opened to the public in 1876. Originally housed in Cobbly Square, the museum moved in 1909 to its current location in another district in Boston. The building was designed by American architect Guy Lowell, and features a grand dome with ceiling paintings by the American painter John Singer Sergeant. The most recent addition to the building is its west wing designed by a Chinese-American architect and completed in 1981. The museum is divided into nine departments including classical, ancient Egyptian, decorative arts and sculpture, paintings, contemporary and the most remarkable one, textiles. The collections range from ancient history to the present and include such pieces as the Silver Liberty Bowl, portraits of George Washington and Martha Washington, painted by Gilbert Charles Steward and a number of works by French painter Clarde Monet. The gallery’s exhibition space is 19,1


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