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发布时间:2024-03-29 07:05:01

[单项选择] It is not surprising that a philosophy borrowed from business should see its principal focus within education as the furthering of the connection with business and industry. Moreover, when a philosophy is implemented at governmental level by people, the majority who learnt their understanding of life within this environment, it is not surprising that they should picture education as feeding this goal. In an age when the US is seen as being in desperate, almost cut-throat competition with industrial neighbors, it becomes an article of faith that to maintain present standards of living, education must increasingly focus upon training the youth of the country to compete in such markets. This demand is, of course, nothing new. A number of factors come together to provide the motive force for making education the handmaiden of the job market. For those with economic blinkers, such concentration makes good sense, but for those who take a wider view of the purposes of education, this a
A. business and education finds so much in common
B. politicians expect education to be tike a business
C. the education world is managed by people from the business philosophy
D. those who come from the business world think education should serve industry needs

更多"It is not surprising that a philoso"的相关试题:

[单项选择] It is not surprising that a philosophy borrowed from business should see its principal focus within education as the furthering of the connection with business and industry. Moreover, when a philosophy is implemented at governmental level by people, the majority who learnt their understanding of life within this environment, it is not surprising that they should picture education as feeding this goal. In an age when the US is seen as being in desperate, almost cut-throat competition with industrial neighbors, it becomes an article of faith that to maintain present standards of living, education must increasingly focus upon training the youth of the country to compete in such markets. This demand is, of course, nothing new. A number of factors come together to provide the motive force for making education the handmaiden of the job market. For those with economic blinkers, such concentration makes good sense, but for those who take a wider view of the purposes of education, this a
A. the goals are easier to define and measure
B. for those who take a wider view of education
C. economic competition is so intense these days
D. youth are lacking the skills to compete in the modern economy
[简答题](a) In January 2000, Amarjit borrowed RM100,000 from his uncle, Biman, for the purpose of financing his postgraduate studies in London. Amarjit promised to repay the loan in January 2003. Amarjit returned from London in 2002. However, until today 7 December 2010 he has not repaid the loan although he has received numerous reminders from Biman. Last month, Biman confronted Amarjit at a family gathering and threatened to take legal action to recover the loan. Amarjit then orally promised to settle the loan within one week. However, Amarjit did not keep his promise. Biman now wishes to sue Amarjit for breach of contract and recover the outstanding debt. Required: Advise Biman on his chances of success. (5 marks)
[单项选择]Who borrowed the bike
A. Tom.
B. Bob.
C. The woman.
American Marriage and Family

More surprising, perhaps, than the current difficulties of traditional marriage is the fact that marriage itself is alive and thriving. As Skolnick notes, Americans are a marrying people: relative to Europeans, more of us marry and we marry at a younger age. Moreover, after a decline in the early 1970s, the rate of marriage in the United States is now increasing. Even the divorce rate need to be taken in this pro marriage context: some 80 percent of divorced individuals remarry. Thus marriage remains, by far, the preferred way of life for the vast majority of people in our society.
What has changed more than marriage is the nuclear family. Twenty-five years ago, the typical American family consisted of a husband, a wife, and two or three children. Now, there are many marriages in which couples have decided not to have any children. And there are many marriages where at least some of the ch
A. A typical American family consists of only a husband and a wife.
B. Many types of family arrangements have become socially acceptable.
C. Americans prefer to have more kids than before.
D. There are no nuclear families any more.


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