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发布时间:2024-03-29 03:18:24

· Read the article below about meeting.
· Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page.
· For each question 19-33, mark one letter ( A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
{{B}} {{U}} Make Meetings Work for You{{/U}}{{/B}}
Only call a meeting if you (and your colleagues) are quite clear about its purpose. Once you are certain of your objective, ask yourself whether it could be better achieved through {{U}} (19) {{/U}} means, such as a memo. Meetings called on a routine basis tend to {{U}} (20) {{/U}} their point. It’s better to wait until a situation or problem requires a meeting. If in doubt, don’t waste time having one.
If you’re sure a meeting is the solution, circulate a memo several days in advance {{U}} (21) {{/U}} the time and place, objectives, issues to be discussed, other participants and preparation {{U}} (22) {{/U}} Meetings should be held in the mor
A. sessions
B. conventions
C. symposia
D. gatherings

更多"· Read the article below about meet"的相关试题:

·Read the article below about employees.
·Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.
·For each gap 8--12, mark one letter (A--G) on your Answer Sheet.
·Do not use any letter more than once.
An employee life cycle is the steps the employees go through from the time they enter a company until they leave. Often Human Resources professionals focus their attention on the steps in this process in hopes of making an impact on the company’s bottom line. That is a good thing for them to do. Their goal is to reduce the company’s cost per employee hired. Employees are one of a company’s largest expenses these days. Unlike other major capital costs (buildings, machinery, technology, etc.) human capital is highly volatile. You, as a manager, are in a key position to reduce that volatility using the condensed employee life cycle of HI
· Read the article below about meeting.
· Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page.
· For each question 19-33, mark one letter ( A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
{{B}} {{U}} Make Meetings Work for You{{/U}}{{/B}}
Only call a meeting if you (and your colleagues) are quite clear about its purpose. Once you are certain of your objective, ask yourself whether it could be better achieved through {{U}} (19) {{/U}} means, such as a memo. Meetings called on a routine basis tend to {{U}} (20) {{/U}} their point. It’s better to wait until a situation or problem requires a meeting. If in doubt, don’t waste time having one.
If you’re sure a meeting is the solution, circulate a memo several days in advance {{U}} (21) {{/U}} the time and place, objectives, issues to be discussed, other participants and preparation {{U}} (22) {{/U}} Meetings should be held in the mor
A. selective
B. optional
C. practical
D. alternative


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