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发布时间:2023-10-23 13:37:44

[填空题]According to the passage, a job applicant should take care of his or her ______.

更多"According to the passage, a job app"的相关试题:

[填空题]According to the passage, a job applicant should take care of his or her ______.
[填空题]The title of this passage should be ______.

[单项选择]Passage Three Job sharing refers to the situation in which two people divide the responsibility of one full-time job. The two people willingly act as part-time workers, enough hours between them to fulfill the duties of a full-time worker. If they each work half the job, for example, they each receive 50 per cent of the job’s wages, its holidays and its other benefits. Of course, some job sharers take a smaller or larger share of the responsibilities of the position, receiving a lesser or greater share of the benefits. Job sharing differs from conventional part-time work in that it occurs mainly in the more highly skilled and professional areas, which require higher levels of responsibility and employee commitment. Job sharing should not be confused with the term work sharing, which refers to increasing the number of jobs by reducing the number of hours of each existing job, thus offering more position to the growing number of unemployed people. Job sharing, by contras
A. qualification
B. loyalty
C. experience
D. achievement
[单项选择]Passage OneWhat should customers do before drinking the sugar liquid
A. Heat it.
B. Add oil to it.
C. Shake it gently.
D. Mix it with water.
[单项选择]Passage OneWhat should people do if they used the cable
A. Pay a monthly charge.
B. Pay a yearly charge.
C. Pay a daily charge.
D. Pay an hourly charge.
Passage One
The job of raising children is a tough one. Children don’t come with an instruction manual. And each child is different. So parents sometimes pull their hair out in frustration, not knowing what to do. But in raising children—as in all of life—what we do is influenced by our culture. Naturally then, American parents teach their children basic American values.
To Americans, the goal of parents is to help children stand on their own two feet. From infancy, each child may get his or her own room. As children grow, they gain more freedom to make their own choices. When they reach young adulthood, they choose their own careers and marriage partners. Of course, many young adults still seek their parents’ advice and approval for the choices they make. But once they "leave the nest" at around 18 to 21 years old, they want to be on thei
A. can be learned from others
B. should be under certain instruction
C. usually makes parents lose confidence
D. hasn’t got a fixed pattern
[填空题]Our schools, according to the passage, should not ______.
[单项选择]Passage Two
You don’t have to tackle your job search alone. The ability to let others help is the single most overlooked skill set needed when searching for a new job. Here are four ways I suggest job hunters ask their friends to help get a new job.
1. Ask friends for candor: Have friends examine every aspect of the "package" you present to potential employers-from your cover letter and resume to the outfits (套装) you wear to interviews. Even the most self-aware among us need the enhanced perspective that comes with frank feedback. Their responses may be the single most important factor in improving your application.
2. Build your work plan together: Keeping initiative in your job search isn’t easy, particularly if you’re someone who has relied on bosses and colleagues to provide structure to your work in the past. Friends can help! Sit down with someone who you respect and who has what is called "high executive functioning"-the ability to break
A. Living Healthily.
B. Opinion.
C. Science.
D. Advice and Know-how.


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