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发布时间:2024-05-17 07:17:48

{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
There are people who are especially attracted to the notion of "climbing the ladder" so as to increase their status, financial position, and sense of self-worth. In part, as a result of the work ethic, these people are internally "driven" to work. Not infrequently, foreign visitors have observed that Americans spend an inordinate (过度的) amount of time working and, as a consequence, Americans have little time for leisure or personal relationships. In American English a new word "workaholic" has been created to describe an individual who is as addicted to work as an alcoholic (酒鬼) is to liquor.
There are conflicting points of view about workaholics. Those concerned with problems of mental stress believe workaholics abuse themselves physically and mentally. Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society be
A. they consider work and play separate activities
B. they have nothing in common with their fellow workers
C. they feel that socializing with them well create problems at home
D. they feel that socializing with them may result in emotional problems

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{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
There are people who are especially attracted to the notion of "climbing the ladder" so as to increase their status, financial position, and sense of self-worth. In part, as a result of the work ethic, these people are internally "driven" to work. Not infrequently, foreign visitors have observed that Americans spend an inordinate (过度的) amount of time working and, as a consequence, Americans have little time for leisure or personal relationships. In American English a new word "workaholic" has been created to describe an individual who is as addicted to work as an alcoholic (酒鬼) is to liquor.
There are conflicting points of view about workaholics. Those concerned with problems of mental stress believe workaholics abuse themselves physically and mentally. Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society be
A. a drug addict
B. a compulsive worker
C. an alcoholic (drinks too much alcohol)
D. a competitive worker
Passage One
Passage One
I have an infatuation(迷恋)with autumn. The colors of the season, and the smells, have always thrilled me. I have always found joy in this time of year. The last few autumns of my life, however, I recollect in shades of gray rather than cheerful oranges and yellows.
When I became a single mother, every aspect of life took on new meaning. Since I was used to carrying out most of the parental duties without much help during my marriage, I truly did not foresee how different parenting would become after the marriage was over. But suddenly I realized I was a statistic. The daily routine was not changed so much; it was the angle at which I had begun to look at life.
I believed my ex-husband’s lawyer was tracking every grade the children made, and I was under a microscope in this new town where the children and I
A. The author moved to a new place.
B. The climate changed greatly in the last few years.
C. In the last few years, the author’s mood changed.
D. There were some natural disasters.
{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
Revenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys. People don’t like to talk about it, though. Just the same, there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge. The purpose is not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they: are doing to you. Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome coworkers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members.
Coworkers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply. All you have to do is get up extra early one day. Before the sun comes up, drive to each coworker’s house. Reach under the hood of your coworker’s car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap, the car will be unharmed, but it will not start, and your friend
A. how to avoid nagging family members
B. how to silence gossiping friends
C. how to make a harmless revenge
D. how to deal with bothersome coworkers
[填空题]{{B}}Section B{{/B}}
Passage One
{{B}}Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.{{/B}}
Two years ago this month, Doubleday published a historical thriller with an announced first printing of 85,000 and high hopes that a little-known writer named Dan Brown would catch on with the general public.
"We surely expected to have a huge success, but I don’t think anyone dreamed it would be come a historic publication," says Stephen Rubin, president and publisher of the Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group.
If the Harry Potter books stand as the essential popular read for young people, then The Da Vinci Code has captured the crown for grown-ups. A word-of-mouth sensation from the moment it came out, Brown’s controversial mix of storytelling anti speculation remains high on best-seller lists even as it begins its third year since
A. A.people were easily distracted by other media
B.The Da Vinci Code was an exceptional success
C.literary novels had to fight against commercial ones for market
D.the public had no other choice of entertainment but nonfiction works


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