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发布时间:2024-03-29 23:24:26

[单项选择]General Wesley Clark recently discovered a hole in his personal security—his cell phone. A resourceful blogger, hoping to call attention to the black market in phone records, made his privacy rights experiment on the general in January. For $ 89.95, he purchased, no questions asked, the records of 100 cell-phone calls that Clark had made. (He revealed the trick to Clark soon after. ) "It’s like someone taking your wallet or knowing who paid you money", Clark says. "It’s no great discovery, but it just doesn’t feel right." Since then, Clark has become a vocal supporter of the movement to outlaw the sale of cell-phone records to third parties.
The U. S.’s embrace of mobile phones—about 65% of the population are subscribers—has far outpaced efforts to keep what we do with them private. That has cleared the way for a cottage industry devoted to exploiting phone numbers, calling records and even the locations of unsuspecting subscribers for profit. A second business segment is develop
A. A burnt child dreads the fire.
B. As you sow, so will you reap.
C. A bad workman always blames his tools.
D. The wall has ears.

更多"General Wesley Clark recently disco"的相关试题:

[单项选择]General Wesley Clark recently discovered a hole in his personal security—his cell phone. A resourceful blogger, hoping to call attention to the black market in phone records, made his privacy rights experiment on the general in January. For $ 89.95, he purchased, no questions asked, the records of 100 cell-phone calls that Clark had made. (He revealed the trick to Clark soon after. ) "It’s like someone taking your wallet or knowing who paid you money", Clark says. "It’s no great discovery, but it just doesn’t feel right." Since then, Clark has become a vocal supporter of the movement to outlaw the sale of cell-phone records to third parties.
The U. S.’s embrace of mobile phones—about 65% of the population are subscribers—has far outpaced efforts to keep what we do with them private. That has cleared the way for a cottage industry devoted to exploiting phone numbers, calling records and even the locations of unsuspecting subscribers for profit. A second business segment is develop
A. to earn money from the internet
B. to blackmail the general for money
C. to play a trick on the general
D. to warn people of the information security
[单项选择]Marine archaeologists recently discovered underwater in an ancient Mediterranean harbor several hundred ceramic objects, dating back approximately 4,000 years. Although any remnants of a ship’s wooden frame would have long ago decayed, the quantity and variety of the ceramics discovered in the initial investigation led the archaeologists to hypothesize that they had discovered an approximately 4,000-year-old shipwreck.
Which of the following, if true, gives the strongest support to the archaeologists’ hypothesis
A. Marine archaeologists have discovered a 3,000-year-old shipwreck in another ancient Mediterranean harbor.
B. The rate at which wood decays when submerged in water varies greatly with the type of wood involved.
C. Two confirmed shipwrecks, approximately 3,500 and 3,000 years old, respectively, have been discovered in the same harbor in which the ceramic objects were discovered.
D. The ceramics discovered in the harbor are similar to ceramics found in several other ancient Mediterranean harbors.
E. (E) Broke ship’s fittings, approximately 4,000 years old, were discovered on the seabed among the ceramic objects.
[单项选择]X-ray examination of a recently discovered painting — judged by some authorities to be a self-portrait by Vincent van Gogh — revealed an underimage of a woman’s face. Either van Gogh or another painter covered the first painting with the portrait now seen on the surface of the canvas. Because the face of the woman in the underimage also appears on canvases van Gogh is known to have painted, the surface painting must be an authentic self-portrait by van Gogh.
The conclusion above is properly drawn if which of the following is assumed
A. If a canvas already bears a painted image produced by an artist, a second artist who uses the canvas to produce a new painting tends to be influenced by the style of the first artist.
B. Many painted canvases that can be reliably attributed to van Gogh contain underimages of subjects that appear on at least one other canvas that van Gogh is known to have painted.
C. Any painted canvas incorrectly attributed to van Gogh would not contain an underimage of a subject that appears in authentic paintings by that artist.
D. A painted canvas cannot be reliably attributed to an artist unless the authenticity of any underimage that painting might contain can be reliably attributed to the artist.
E. (E) A painted canvas cannot be reliably attributed to a particular artist unless a reliable X-ray examination of the painting is performed.

[填空题]George Clark

[填空题]General James Oglethorpe was an American General who established the city of Savannah in 1733.
[填空题]Although General Motors and General Electric are large multinational companies with operations around the globe, there are numerous smaller companies that engage in international trade. Because 95 percent of the world’s population and two-thirds of its (S1) _________ power are located outside the United States, it is important for American (S2) _________to be present in foreign markets. However, before we explain the different methods by which a company may (S3) __________in inter- national trade, we might first consider some important(S4)_________that U.S. companies often fail to study before they sell products in a foreign country. These factors are (S5)________with differences in language, in values and attitudes, and in political (S6)________. When (S7)_________Coca-Cola into the Chinese market in 1920, the company used a group of Chinese symbols that, when spoken, sounded like Coca-Cola. However, when read, these symbols meant, "a female horse fattened with wax". Upon reenteri


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