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发布时间:2024-03-28 22:20:13

[单项选择]We hurried to the station______find ourselves three hours earlier for the train.
A. only to
B. in order to
C. so as to
D. such as to

更多"We hurried to the station______find"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We hurried to the station_________ find ourselves three hours earlier for the train.
A. only to
B. in order to
C. so as to
D. such as to
[填空题]If we cannot free ourselves, we can at least______.
[单项选择]Much as we may pride ourselves on our taste,we are no longer free to choose the things we want because of advertising everywhere.
A. 尽管我们可以自夸自己的品位,但广告无处不在,我们已经无法独立自主地作出自 己的选择了。
B. 正如我们可以自夸自己的品位一样,我们想不再自由地选择是因为无处不在的广告。
C. 当我们可以自夸自己的品位的时候,无处不在的广告已使我们不再自由地选择了。
D. 我们可以自夸自己的品味,但到处都是广告,我们不再自由地作出自己的选择了。
[单项选择]We hurried to the station only to find that the train had been delayed. We ().
A. didn’t need to hurry
B. need not have to hurry
C. needn’t have hurried
D. should not hurry
[填空题]We must keep ourselves()(health) so that we can study well.
[单项选择]As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think______.
A. ought to be said
B. must say
C. have to be said
D. need to say
[简答题]And in situations where we ourselves are forced to stand close to another person on crowded subways, for example, we turn our eyes away, and if actual body contact is involved, tense the muscles on the contact side.
[填空题]We must keep ourselves ______ (health) so that we can study well.

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