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发布时间:2023-10-08 11:54:19

[多项选择]Measures of Dealing with Trash in Cities
1. 城市里乱扔垃圾现象十分严重;
2. 应该采取怎样的措施来解决垃圾问题;
3. 你的观点

更多"Measures of Dealing with Trash in C"的相关试题:

A. 一个人在B城市乱扔垃圾但是仍然可以留在A城市
B. 如果一个人道德修养很高,那么他就能留在A城市
C. 生活在A城市的小李在过马路时将西瓜皮扔在地上,那么他将难以再留在A城市
D. 小王没有留在A城市说明他缺乏道德修养
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[单项选择][听力原文] ??“白色污染”是人们对塑料垃圾污染环境现象的称谓。由于人们随意乱丢乱扔塑料垃圾,它本身又很难分解,所以造成了城市环境严重污染的现象。白色污染存在两种危害:视觉污染和潜在危害。所谓的视觉污染指的是塑料物品等散落在环境中,给人们的视觉带来不良刺激,影响环境的美感。而潜在的危害又包括两个方面。首先它会影响我们的身体健康。当温度达到65℃时,一次性发泡塑料餐具中的有害物质将渗入到食物中,会对人的肝脏、肾脏及中枢神经系统等造成损害。其次是使土壤环境恶化,严重影响农作物的生长。农田里的塑料产品会影响农作物对水分、养分的吸收,抑制农作物的生长发育,造成农作物减产。如果牲畜吃了塑料膜,还会引起消化道疾病,甚至死亡。 白色污染指的是什么污染?()
A. 大气污染 
B. 塑料垃圾污染 
C. 海水污染 
D. 物体回收污染
[简答题]To read trash, to flaunt trash, to prefer trash to "better" literature was a not-so-subtle way of asserting one’s independence against one’s social superiors. It was a way of saying that we are masters of our own culture. It was a way of saying that we are Americans. It still is. From crime pamphlets to dime novels to the "yellow press" to the movies to the tabloids to the trash of today, one theme keeps emerging. In a world culturally divided between the genteel and everything else, Americans opt for trash over alt that is supposed to be good for them as much because they resent being told what they should like as because they like trash. Seen this way, trash is not an escape from life, as some would have it; it is an escape from seriousness, which is no doubt why trash in the form of our movies, TV shows, music and popular literature has become one of our chief exports. You don’t have to be American to want to play hooky from high culture, though Americans may be prouder of it th
A. 完全
B. 的确
C. 真实
D. 认真
[判断题]抹灰工具常用钢制工具,用后要擦洗干净,以防生锈,也便于下次使用。各种工具用后要放好,不要乱扔乱放,防止丢失和损坏。( )
A. 同意 
B. 原谅 
C. 太麻烦 
D. 十分满意
[单项选择]American cities are similar to other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. Cities contain the very best aspects of a society: opportunities for education, employment, and entertainment. They also contain the very worst parts of a society: violent crime, racial conflict (种族冲突), and poverty. American cities are changing, just as American society is changing.
After World War Ⅱ, city residents became wealthier, more prosperous. They had more children. They needed more space. They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs, areas near a city where people live. These are areas without many offices or factories. During the 1950s the American "dream" was to have a house in the suburbs.
Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in 1950s are now adults. They, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities. Many young professionals, doctors, lawyers, an
A. social changes
B. violent crime
C. racial conflict
D. the best aspects of a society


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