发布时间:2024-03-29 01:35:54

[单项选择]When you choose a command name that is followed by "..." on menu, a (13) box appears in which you provide more information.
A. text
B. dialog
C. list
D. check

更多"When you choose a command name that"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When you choose a command name that is followed by“…” on menu, a ()box appears in which you provide more information.
A. text
B. list
C. check
D. dialog
[简答题]I am very fragile. When you say my name, you break me. What’s my name
[单项选择]When you choose a freezer, remember it’s probably going to be with you for a long time. No single style or size is best, so it’s important to know which freezer is right for your needs.
First, decide if you want an upright or chest model. Uprights are more convenient. Their storage space is more accessible and they take up less floor area. However, chest models are more energy-efficient because less cold air escapes when they are open.
If you’re buying an upright, you’ll have to choose between frostless or manual defrost. Chest freezers are always manual. Frostless freezers automatically defrost at preset intervals and remove the water. Manual models must be defrosted by hand every few months or whenever frost accumulates to about a quarter of an inch.
To help your freezer reach a ripe old age, try to find a spot that’s cool, dry, and away from drafts. Drafts and heat will raise the freezer’s cabinet temperature and make it work harder to keep cool. That means wasted en

You are to write in three parts.
In the first part, state clearly what your view is.
In the second part, support your view with details.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summery.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

[填空题]When you forget someone’s name, you might ___________________.
[填空题]When should you get covered
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}

When you choose a freezer, remember it’s probably going to be with you for a long time. No single style or size is best, so it’s important to know which freezer is right for your needs.
First, decide if you want an upright or chest model. Uprights are more convenient. Their storage space is more accessible and they take up less floor area. However. chest models are more energy-efficient because less cold air escapes when they are open.
If you’re buying an upright, you’ll have to choose between frostless or manual defrost. Chest freezers are always {{U}}manual{{/U}}. Frostless freezers automatically defrost at preset intervals and remove the water. Manual models must be defrosted by hand every few months or whenever frost accumulates to about a quarter of an inch.
To help your freezer reach a ripe old age, try to find a spot that’s cool, dry, and away from drafts. Drafts and heat will raise t
A. An upright model takes less room on the ground.
B. An upright freezer is easier for people to put in and take out food.
C. A chest freezer is more effective than an upright one.
D. A chest model need manual defrost while an upright one needn’t.
[填空题]When should you write the abstract After you have finished ______.
[填空题]When should you write the abstract
After you have finished ______.

[填空题]Choose wisely when considering a partner, whether to attend church and how you look after your body. These decisions could have a (47) effect on your overall life satisfaction. That’s according to a study that (48) the theory that life happiness is largely predetermined by your genes. The widely accepted "set-point" theory of happiness says that an individual’s long-term happiness tends to be stable because it depends (49) on genetic factors. The idea is based in (50) on studies that show identical twins to have more similar levels of life satisfaction than non-identical twins, and suggests that although your level of happiness may (51) be thrown off by major life events, it will always (52) to a set level within two years.
Bruce Headey at the University of Melbourne in Australia and his team found that certain changes in lifestyle led to significant long-term changes in reported life satisfaction, rather than cau


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