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发布时间:2023-11-30 20:54:36

[单项选择]Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

What is mainly talked about in the passage
A. How to distinguish people’s faces.
B. How to describe people’s personality.
C. How to distinguish people both inward and outward.
D. How to differ good persons from bad persons.

更多"Questions 11 to 14 are based on the"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.
The fridge is considered a necessity. It has been so since the 1960s when packaged food first appeared with the label: "Store in the refrigerator."
In my fridge less Fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily. The milkman came daily, the grocer, the butcher, the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times a week. The Sunday meat would last until Wednesday and surplus bread and milk became all kinds of cakes. Nothing was wasted, and we were never troubled by rotten food. Thirty years on, food deliveries have ceased; fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable in the country.
The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of food preservation. A vast way of well-tried techniques already existed-natural cooling, drying, smoking, salting, sugaring, bottling...
What refrigeration did promote was marketing — marketing hardware and electricity, marketing soft
A. People would not buy more food than was necessary.
B. Food was delivered to people two or three times a week.
C. Food was sold fresh and did not get rotten easily.
D. People had effective ways to preserve their food.
[单项选择] Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

The ultimate purpose of the research is to ______.
A. have a better understanding of the life of mosquitoes
B. prevent human beings from being bitten by mosquitoes
C. purify the environment
D. keep people healthy
[填空题] Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.
The Olympic games (often referred to simply as The Olympics or The Games) is an international multi-sport event subdivided into summer and winter sporting events. The (47) Olympic Games began in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, and was celebrated until AD 393. There are many myths and (48) of the origin of the ancient Olympic Games. The most popular one describes that Hercules was the creator of the Olympic Games, and built the Olympic stadium and surrounding buildings to (49) his father Zeus. The date of the Olympic Games’ beginning based on the count years in Olympiads is reconstructed as 776 BC, although scholars’ opinions differ between dates as early as 884 BC and as late as 704 BC. From then on, the games became much more important throughout ancient Greece, (50) their peak in the sixth and seventh century BC.
Interest in (51) the Olympic Games was fir
[单项选择] Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

What’s the response of the assistant director of Alcohol Concern Association toward the findings of the study
A. To her the result is unexpected.
B. She feels sorry for the findings.
C. It is not a surprise.
D. It is exciting and inspiring.
[单项选择]Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
To understand the marketing concept, it is only necessary to understand the difference between marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries centered primarily on the efficient production of goods, and then relied on "persuasive salesmanship" to move as much of these goods as possible. Such production and selling focuses on the needs of the seller to produce goods and then change them into money.
Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers. It begins with first analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them. This eye-on-the-consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which simply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and dealers first try to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making it available for purchase.

A. the demands of the market
B. the efficiency of production
C. the preferences of consumers
D. the satisfaction of consumers

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:
Adam Smith was the first person to see the importance of the division of the labor. He gave us an example of the process by which pins were made in England.
"One man draws out the wire, another strengthens it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, and a fifth gives it a head. Just to make the head requires two or three different operations. The work of making pins is divided into about eighteen different operations, which in some factories are all performed by different people, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them.
Ten men, Smith said, in this way, turned out twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4, 800 pins a worker. (79) But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labor, they certainly could not have made twenty pins in a day and not even one.
There can be no doubt that division of labor is an efficient w
A. was an efficient way of organizing work
B. was an important development in methods of production
C. finally led to economic development
D. increased the production of existing goods

[单项选择]Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
What is the main idea of the passage
A. The typical process of Yoga.
B. The medical benefits of Yoga.
C. The best way to do Yoga.
D. The relationship between health and Yog
[单项选择]Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
What is the finding of scientists
A. Plants can save water.
B. Photosynthesis is complex.
C. High carbon dioxide is not good to crops.
D. The new way of food engineering raises production.
[单项选择]Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
The speaker suggests encouraging others to talk about themselves because
A. it’s a good way to know each other.
B. it is a means of showing respect.
C. people are passive listeners.
D. people care more about themselves.


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