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发布时间:2024-03-29 20:56:11

[单项选择]Dallas McKennon said that one of the reasons he likes to act in cartoons is that________.
A. cartoons are a less violent medium
B. cartoons are a violent medium
C. cartoons are a more violent medium
D. cartoons are an educative medium

更多"Dallas McKennon said that one of th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Dallas McKennun said that one of the reasons he likes to act in cartoons is that ______.
A. cartoons are a less violent medium
B. cartoons are a violent medium
C. cartoons are a more violent medium
D. cartoons are an educative medium
[单项选择]The president said that he will do everything he could to be ______ of the faith and trust of the people and to honour the powerful example of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
A. worthy
B. confident
C. faithful
D. confidential
[单项选择]He said that he remembered ______ the door when he came out.
A. to lock
B. locking
C. locked
[填空题]He took down everything the teacher said lest he ______ (forget) it.
[填空题]He said that he dropped his bag when he (run)______ for the bus.

[填空题]He said that he was sixty-eight and in two years he()(be) seventy.

W: Jack must have been joking when he said that he was going to quit his job.
M: Don’t be too sure. He told me that he was trying to sell his house.

What can we assume from this conversation()
A. The man is a judge
B. It’s an interviewer
C. The man agrees with the woman
D. The man believes that Jack will quit his job
[填空题]He (lie) ______ when he said that he had cut the tree with an axe.

[单项选择]He said that he ______ to 105 pounds.
A. was slimming down
B. had slimmed down
C. had been slimmed down
D. slimmed down
[填空题]He (lie)______when he said that he had cut the tree with an axe.

[填空题]The Chinese film superstar once said that he would rather ______ (被人们当作普通人怀念而不是名人).


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