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发布时间:2024-03-28 18:26:55

[单项选择]() of over 5% are attractive if the dollar really is going to stabilize.
A. Manufactures
B. Yields
C. Creating
D. Receiving

更多"() of over 5% are attractive if the"的相关试题:

[填空题]Over the next couple of years the dollar is likely to fall and bond yields rise as ______ (投资者要求更高的风险回报).


The multibillion-dollar international pharmaceutical industry has been accused of manipulating the results of drug trials for financial gain and withholding information that could expose patients to possible harm.
The stranglehold the industry has on research is causing increasing alarm in medical circles as evidence emerges of biased results, under-reporting and selective publication driven by a market worth more than 10 billion pounds in Britain alone.
The industry has sponsored the trials of new drugs which have held out great promise for patients with cancer, heart disease, mental health problems and other illnesses.
But the tests on the same drugs in independent trials paid for by non-profit organizations— governments, medical institutions or charities—have yielded very different results.
The drugs for abnormal heart rhythm introduced in the late 1970s were killing more Americans every year by 1990 than the Vietnam War.
A. controlling the drug market for its own profit
B. overlooking its yield of destructive medicine
C. neglecting research on the ill-effects of drugs
D. covering up the adverse results of drug trials

[简答题]What makes mountaineering attractive, according to the passage

[简答题]Passage Five
How physically attractive someone is plays a major role in determining your ideas about the desirability of developing an acquaintance or a friendship with that person. Attractiveness seems to influence our perception of others’ traits. Attractive people are judged to be more poised, sociable, independent, interesting, exciting, and to have greater sexual warmth.
In one study concerned with the importance of physical attractiveness, Karen Dion and her colleagues asked university students to rate a series of photographs of both males and females as high, average, or low in physical attractiveness. The photos were then passed onto another group of students, who were asked to rate those pictures on a number of personality traits and to predict future events in their lives. The results showed that, regardless of whether the rater(评判人) was the same or the opposite sex as the subject, attractive people of both sexes were rated as hav
[填空题]You should present your most attractive qualities throughout the interview.
A. A.面试期间,你应该自始至终展现出你最有魅力的素质。


Think about what would make you really, really happy. More money Wrong. Smiling, well-adjusted kids Wrong again. The fact is we are terrible at predicting the source of joy. And whatever choices we do make, we likely later decide it was all for the best.
These are insights from happiness economics, perhaps the hottest field in what used to be called the dismal science. Happiness is everywhere--on the best-seller lists, in the minds of policymakers, and front and center for economists--yet it remains elusive. The golden role of economics has always been that well-being is a simple function of income. That’s why nations and people alike strive for higher incomes-money gives us choice and a measure of freedom. After a certain income can, we simply don’t get any happier. And it isn’t what we have, but whether we have more than our neighbor, that really matters. So the news last week that in 2006 top hedge-fund managers took home $ 240 million, minimum, proba


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