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发布时间:2024-06-21 21:07:39

[单项选择]When will Andrew be flying out to Paris from Beijing

更多"When will Andrew be flying out to P"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When he got out of the managers office, from his facial expression we knew that his proposal must have been (turned down).
A. refused
B. accepted
C. adopted
D. denied
[填空题]He remembers()(take) to Paris when he was a very small child.
[填空题]He remembers______ (take) to Paris when he was a very small child.
[单项选择]When is the Paris coherence
[单项选择]Did anyone call when I was out
A. everyone
B. someone
C. nobody
D. anybody

All of a sudden, we heard people shouting from outside. Dad opened up the window. "Wow, look out there!" Intrigued, I opened another window and looked out. The street was packed with cars whose drivers didn’t know when or where to go. Policemen filled the streets trying to mollify the pandemonium. Right across the road, workers, who had been trapped on the eleventh floor while building, attempted to cling to railing and climb down to safety. Peoples’ interrogating and raucous shouts filled the hot August air.
I realized my father was speaking, "We can’t stay up here. With no power, there will be no emergency services. If the building caught on fire, we’d be trapped. Let’s go and I’I1 try to call Morn." He grabbed some cash and the cell phone. I followed him in the fatiguing trip down the stairs to the lobby. Why couldn’t we have gotten a room on the first floor
I took a small couch and sat down. The sti
A. disaster
B. chaos
C. crowd
D. accident

[填空题]_________________(别让火灭了) when lam out.

[单项选择]Did anyone call me when I was out
A. invite
B. name
C. answer
D. phone

Think of those fleeting moments when you look out of an aeroplane window and realise that you are flying, higher than a bird. Now think of your laptop, thinner than a brown-paper envelope, or your cellphone in the palm of your hand. Take a moment or two to wonder at those marvels. You are the lucky inheritor of a dream come true.
The second half of the 20th century saw a collection of geniuses, warriors, entrepreneurs and visionaries labour to create a fabulous machine that could function as a typewriter and printing press, studio and theatre, paintbrush and gallery, piano and radio, the mail as well as the mail carrier. (41)
The networked computer is an amazing device, the first media machine that serves as the mode of production, means of distribution, site of reception, and place of praise and critique. The computer is the 21st century’ s culture machine.
But for all the reasons there are to celebrate the computer, we must also tread with


When word got out that Doug Beardsley was introducing a new course this spring — "Hockey(冰球) Literature and the Canadian Psyche(精神)" — the 40 seats in the class were quickly taken. ESPN offered to fly him to New York for a TV chat show, and e-mail arrived from hockey fans and researchers from as far away as Texas and China.
"They think they can learn something about us as a nation by learning about the game, about Canadian people. They’re right," says Beardsley.
Students in Beardsley’s class completed three research papers related to hockey. The reading Iist included famous works like The Divine Ryans by Wayne Johnston, The Good Body by Bill Gaston and Les Canadiells by Rick Salutin. They are the kind of books that get at the true meaning of being Canadian.
In Beardsley’s words, hockey shows the very nature of the polite Canadian. "I think that along
A. people can get a chance to fight and let out energy
B. the weather of the country is good for the sport
C. people want to show what they can do on ice
D. Canadians like to play sports in a gentle way


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