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发布时间:2024-06-20 21:39:57

[单项选择]President Obama cast his efforts to overhaul America’s health care system in moral terms in a conference call with liberal religious organizations late Wednesday afternoon, saying "these struggles always boil down to a contest between hope and fear."
"Throughout our history, whenever We’ve sought to change this country for the better, whenever we’ve sought to promote justice, there have always been those who wanted to preserve the status quo," Mr. Obama said, specifically mentioning the efforts of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to enact Social Security and John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson to start Medicare.
"I believe that nobody in America should be denied basic health care because he or she lacks health insurance, and no one in America should be pushed to the edge of financial ruin because an insurance company denies them coverage or drops their coverage or charges fees they can’t afford for care that they desperately need," he also said.
The call was sponsor
A. cast his efforts in moral terms
B. compare himself to Lyndon Baines Johnson
C. show the similarities between Lyndon Baines Johnson’s and his efforts
D. support his claim that every reform meets objections in the beginning

更多"President Obama cast his efforts to"的相关试题:

[单项选择]President Obama cast his efforts to overhaul America’s health care system in moral terms in a conference call with liberal religious organizations late Wednesday afternoon, saying "these struggles always boil down to a contest between hope and fear."
"Throughout our history, whenever We’ve sought to change this country for the better, whenever we’ve sought to promote justice, there have always been those who wanted to preserve the status quo," Mr. Obama said, specifically mentioning the efforts of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to enact Social Security and John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Baines Johnson to start Medicare.
"I believe that nobody in America should be denied basic health care because he or she lacks health insurance, and no one in America should be pushed to the edge of financial ruin because an insurance company denies them coverage or drops their coverage or charges fees they can’t afford for care that they desperately need," he also said.
The call was sponsor
A. liberal religious groups
B. 40 Days for Health Reform
C. 40 Minutes for Health Reform
D. the White House

President Obama spent his first year in office trying to prevent the collapse of big financial firms, and stabilize the national economy. Now, he is taking a more populist approach--focusing on the day-to-day issues that create money woes for many families. He says it is part of an effort to show the administration cares about workers who are struggling to pay their bills or have anxieties about losing their jobs. "We have just come through what was one of the most difficult decades the middle class has ever faced—a decade in which median income fell, and our economy lost about as many jobs as it gained." The president spoke at a meeting of a White House advisory panel set up to study the problems facing the middle class and to propose solutions. Among the ideas embraced by the administration are steps to cut the costs of child care for working parents, and help them save for retirement.

President Obama is now focusing on ( ).
A. stabilizing the national economy..
B. creating money woes for many families.
C. addressing dally issues that create money woes.
D. preventing the collapse of big financial firms.
[填空题]As President Obama and his critics prepare for the climactic battle over healthcare, they face a seeming paradox: Millions of Americans say the system they depend on for everything from routine flu shots to life-saving heart surgery is broken and needs fixing. Yet most Americans also say they’re pretty satisfied with their healthcare. The explanation for the apparent contradiction- and a big reason healthcare has turned into such an incendiary fight—is that it’s not one crisis, it’s a bundle of crises. And, since most people are fairly healthy most of the time, problems can go largely unnoticed until calamity strikes.
Medical costs are spiraling up much faster than inflation or personal income, for instance, but the impact is cushioned for a majority of Americans because they still have job-related insurance. While employers are shifting more and more of the premiums’ cost onto workers, the increases are gradual and lumped in with other payroll deductions. For many, it’s only af


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