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发布时间:2023-11-06 18:23:39

[单项选择]Without reading the operating instruction carefully, workers will find it difficult to handle the machine.()
A. 如果工人不按要求阅读说明书,他们很难把握这个机器。
B. 如果工人们不认真看手术指南,他们会觉得难以搞定这个机器。
C. 如果工人们不仔细看书,他们会很难解决这个机器。
D. 如果工人们没有仔细阅读操作说明书,他们会觉得难以搞定这个机器。

更多"Without reading the operating instr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Without reading the operating instruction carefully,workers will find it difficult to handle the machine.
A. 如果工人不按要求阅读说明书,他们很难把握这个机器。
B. 如果工人们不认真看手术指南,他们会觉得难以搞定这个机器。
C. 如果工人们不仔细看书,他们会很难解决这个机器。
D. 如果工人们没有仔细阅读操作说明书,他们会觉得难以搞定这个机器。
[单项选择]Without reading the required books before classes. students will find it difficult to understand the class.()
A. 如学生课前没有按要求看书,他们会觉得难以听懂授课内容。
B. 如学生课前不阅读指定书目,他们会觉得难以昕懂授课内容。
C. 如学生课前不看书,他们会很难找到授课内容。
D. 如学生不和同学一起按要求看书,他们很难找到授课内容。
[单项选择]You should cultivate the habit of reading carefully.
A. invent
B. begin
C. develop
D. initiate
[名词解释]Window instruction
[简答题]Who loses from inflation Please describe carefully.
[简答题]Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you shonld 1) describe the picture, 2) deduce the purpose of the drawer of the picture, and 3) give your comments. You should write at least 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
[简答题]Part C
Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)
What is the point of telling you about this second book Well, it all hinges on the dates involved. The latter story was written in the early 1960s, whereas the Goosebumps series dates from the 1990s. (46) This makes the point rather dear: The sands have shifted radically in 30 years. A "debunking" book like this is no longer fashionable. Who today wants to read about anything as thought-provoking and "uncool" as debunking Where once a movie was commonplace (47) The "magical realism" movement, where natural and supernatural events happily converge, has become enormously influential in serious literature, as well. Movie and television viewers and readers of serious literature are given the tacit message that me line between the natural and su
[简答题] Directions:
Study the two pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled "On Education of China". In the essay, you should (1) describe the pictures; (2) interpret their meaning; (3) give your opinion about the phenomenon.
You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.


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