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发布时间:2024-05-23 18:59:01

[单项选择]The report by Absolute Consultants advised that at least ______ year will be required before the company can attain profitability.
A. other
B. others
C. another
D. the other

更多"The report by Absolute Consultants "的相关试题:

[简答题]absolute advantage
[单项选择]Investment consultants have always maintained that it is more ______ to diversify one’s portfolio than to focus on only one or two stocks.
A. advantageously
B. advantages
C. advantageous
D. advantaged
[单项选择]What is the problem with consultants
A. They do not have a middleman.
B. They do not have sufficient capital.
C. They are too humble to their clients.
D. They-focus on a six-figure salary.
What are listeners advised to do
A. (A) Travel.
B. (B) Stay home.
C. (C) Turn out the lights.
D. (D) Drink plenty of water.
[填空题]Task 1
To: All consultants
From: Sue Tate
Date: dan. 3, 2007
Re: Agenda for meeting with Inner Asia Investment Bank
As you know, representatives of the Inner Asia Investment Bank will be visiting our offices tomorrow. We must make good impressions on them. l want all department heads (with the exception of Information Systems) to be ready to make their presentations in the morning. We will start off with Financial Services, followed by Government Relations, and Products and Manufacturing. After lunch we will continue with the Information Systems presentation and close with a question-and-answer session. After the meeting, we will have a cocktail reception in the executive dining room, starting at 6:00 p.m.
Any comments Send them to me as soon as possible.

Who are the intended recipients (接受者) of the memo
The memo is intended to be read by______
[填空题]I advised he went at once.
[填空题]Corcodilos also advised job candidates besides hunting talent.

[判断题]It is advised that fiber supplements and medicine be taken at the same time.
[单项选择]Schools are advised to work together with parents to address the issue of addiction to computer games( ).
A. speak to
B. deal with
C. take down
D. go for
[单项选择]Mr. Lin advised me to keep silent
A. so as not to get involved.
B. so as to not get involved.
C. so that not to get involved.
D. so that to get not involved.
[填空题]Australians are advised to overcome the old taboo of ______.


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