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发布时间:2023-12-17 01:00:21

[单项选择][听力原文] ??清晨,空气新鲜,大气层中含有较多的氧气。中老年人应该到绿地或公园中进行呼吸养生。呼吸养生的正确姿势是:挺身直立,目光远视,两手叉在腰间,双肩松弛,胸部自然舒展;接着,用双手向自己的肚脐方向用力推挤,同时通过鼻腔深深地吸气;然后再从口中缓缓吐出,双手收回到腰部。呼吸养生的关键在于吸气、呼气要尽量缓慢,如果平时一呼一吸需要5秒钟,那么进行呼吸养生时就需要10秒钟。像这样每天做上40-60次,不间断,就可以使肌体得到较多的氧气,从而刺激心、脑、肝、肾等重要脏器的组织细胞,维持正常的新陈代谢,使青春常驻。 清晨,中老年人应该到绿地或公园中做什么?()
A. 跳舞 
B. 跑步 
C. 呼吸养生 
D. 唱歌

更多"[听力原文] ??清晨,空气新鲜,大气层中含有较多的氧气。中老年人应"的相关试题:

[单项选择][听力原文] 女:傍晚的空气不太新鲜,你为什么不在早上散步啊? 男:早上?我哪儿起得来呀! 问:关于男的,下列哪项正确?()
A. 早上起床很晚 
B. 不太愿意散步 
C. 最近身体非常不好 
D. 觉得傍晚空气新鲜
[单项选择][听力原文] ??咖啡中含有咖啡因,它具有消除疲劳、振奋精神、提高智力和增强体质的作用。但是每天喝的咖啡中咖啡因的含量不能超过250克,所以每天最多喝两到三杯咖啡。喝过多的咖啡,不仅容易引发疾病、破坏睡眠,而且对神经系统有明显的损害。如果晚上喝很多咖啡,人们就会很清醒,会破坏睡眠,严重的话还会失眠。所以,建议大家不要喝太多的咖啡,那样会影响身体健康。 咖啡中含有什么?()
A. 镇静剂 
B. 咖啡果 
C. 咖啡豆 
D. 咖啡因
[单项选择][听力原文] 昨天清晨六点多,位于东城区繁华路37号的华兴公司化学品仓库发生爆炸,大火燃烧了整整八个小时。幸好当时不是上班时间,所以没有造成人员伤亡。事故原因还在调查中,目前,相关负责人已被警方控制。()
A. 发生了一起交通事故 
B. 负责人发了很大的火 
C. 事故原因已调查清楚 
D. 爆炸没造成人员伤亡
[单项选择][听力原文] ()
A. 8:30 
B. 8:35 
C. 8:40 
D. 8:45
[单项选择][听力原文] ??重阳节前后几天,清晨和傍晚天气比较凉,昼夜温差开始拉大。爬山的人们需要带上足够的水和用来擦汗的毛巾,老人家应带上亲人的联系信息卡和医保卡,有条件的带上手机,以防出现紧急情况。 ??其次,爬山的人们最好还能带一套可更换的衣物,否则出了一身汗后再一吹风就很容易受凉。爬到山顶或者下山后也不要急于大吃大喝,以免在身体疲劳、体质较弱时“吃”出急性胃肠炎来。 ??另外,老人家一定要记得定时补充水分,无论是否已经感觉到口干、口渴,因为人年纪大以后,大脑里的主管口渴感觉的中枢老化,对口渴的感觉不像年轻人那么敏感,所以经常是身体“渴”了口还没“渴”。 从文中得知,最近的天气有什么特点?()
A. 很干燥 
B. 天气转暖 
C. 经常下雨 
D. 昼夜温差大
[单项选择][听力原文] ??受冷空气和热带系统的影响,未来三天,海南大部分地区仍然有持续的强降水天气,其中东部和南部雨量较大。15至16日,受补充南下的冷空气影响,内蒙古中东部、东北、华北北部等地气温将先后下降4到8度,以上大部分地区同时会有4到6级大风。16日起,又有一股冷空气会从西向东影响以上地区,这些地区温度将继续下降3到4度。 海南大部分地区为什么雨量大?()
A. 气候一直潮湿 
B. 海洋面积广大 
C. 受冷暖空气影响 
D. 现在正好是雨季
[单项选择][听力原文] ??各种环境污染的问题已经逐渐引起了人们的重视,尤其是空气污染、水污染和声音污染。北京大学环境科学专业的张教授提醒大家,在注意房间外空气污染问题的同时,也应该对越来越严重的房间内环境的污染引起重视。 这段话没有谈到什么污染?()
A. 空气污染 
B. 水污染 
C. 垃圾污染 
D. 声音污染

American higher education offers degrees in many areas of study. A community college student earns an associate degree after two years of general study. The student may then continue at a college or university for another two years to earn a bachelor’s degree. An undergraduate student at a four-year school earns a bachelor’s degree. Students majoring in an area of science receive the bachelor of science, also known by the letters B. S. Arts or humanities students get the bachelor of arts degree, or B. A. Students who continue in school may earn a master’s degree after two or three more years of study. Many Americans earn master’s degrees at night or on the weekends while they are working. One example of this is the MBA, a master’s degree in business administration. Students learn to deal with all kinds of business situations. They develop skills needed by many companies. MBA programs teach about economics, finance and marketing.
A. They can get an associate degree after two years of general study.
B. They can get a bachelor’s degree after two years of general study.
C. They can get a bachelor of science degree after four years of study.
D. They can get a bachelor of arts degree after four years of study.

[单项选择][听力原文] ??秋天到来后,空气开始干燥,早晚温差变大,天气逐渐变冷,这会引起皮肤毛孔收缩,从而导致皮肤表面的水分迅速丧失。而皮肤衰老的最大原因就是水分不足,加上秋季皮肤新陈代谢缓慢,所以秋风一起,许多人就会觉得皮肤紧绷绷的,非常不舒服。因此,秋季要注意合理地饮水,补充身体丧失的水分。每天都要喝足够的水,让水分渗透到组织细胞里,维持人体的水分平衡。这样就可以保证身体的正常运行,并且有效地将身体里面的废物排出体外,从而保持皮肤的清洁与活力。 ??我们可以喝白开水、果汁、矿泉水等等,其中白开水是最好的天然饮料。另外,经常喝点儿绿茶能预防某些皮肤疾病的发生。一般来说,每天喝六到八杯水,就能满足皮肤的需要。 秋天的气候对皮肤有什么影响?()
A. 颜色会变白 
B. 变得更湿润 
C. 变得很光滑 
D. 感觉紧绷绷

Good morning, everyone Community service is an important component of education here at our university We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called "One on One" helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it, because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is tutoring in math and English. You’ll have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Howard will act as a mentor to the tutors. He’ll he available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutor
A. To explain a new requirement for graduation.
B. To interest students in a community service project.
C. To discuss the problems of elementary school students.
D. To recruit elementary school teachers for a special program.

[单项选择][听力原文] 几点开会?()
A. 10:30 
B. 2:00 
C. 2:30 
D. 7:00
[单项选择][听力原文] 什么是知青?()
A. 从城市到农村当农民的青年人 
B. 在农村成长起来的知识青年 
C. 在农村当老师的青年人 
D. 到农村当工人的青年人

25Swiss voters overwhelmingly rejected a nationwide referendum Sunday that would have set the nation’s minimum wage at $25 an hour and 22created the world’s highest paid unskilled workforce.
Final results from Sunday’s vote showed 76.3% of voters opposed the Decent Salary Initiative, which would have had the greatest impact on 23immigrants working in such jobs as agriculture, housekeeping and catering.
The vote came days after hundreds of fast-food workers walked off their jobs in many U.S. cities and in more than 30 countries in a protest for higher wages.
The average household income in Switzerland is about $6,800 a month, government statistics show. In the USA, where the minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, the average is roughly $4,300, Census Bureau figures indicate. A recent effort to raise the U.S. minimum to $10 an hour failed to gain congressional traction.
Switzerland, however, features s
A. Job cuts.
B. Less working time.
C. More jobs for people to choose.
D. More training requirement for workers.


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