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发布时间:2024-03-29 22:20:52

[填空题]What will be discussed with the staff of the site Detailed demand for the ______.

更多"What will be discussed with the sta"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What is being discussed
A. What they can expect from a new department manager
B. The results of the company’s sales initiative
C. Who will be in charge of an upcoming presentation
D. The schedule for a managerial meeting
[单项选择]What equipment is being discussed
A. A photocopier
B. A printer
C. A digital scanner
D. A paper shredder
[单项选择]What is discussed in the manual
A. Piloting an airplane
B. The workshop schedule
C. Repairing emergency lights
D. Emergency procedures

What is the marketing concept discussed in the passage
[单项选择]What positive feedback have staff given about the new location
A. They find the local amenities impressive.
B. Accommodation is significantly cheaper.
C. There is pleasant countryside nearby.
[多项选择]What effects moving premises could have on staff
How suppliers and customers might be affected by the relocation

[多项选择]What the possible disadvantages could be of staff working extra hours
What other steps the company could take to deal with the unexpected increase in orders

[多项选择]What is important when recruiting new staff How to attract the well-qualified people
[填空题]What kind of working staff do the trading units have
[多项选择]What the likely reactions from staff might be to the introduction of the scheme
How feedback should be given to staff on their performance


Staff Sgt. Nicholas Lanier has entered what he calls the "vast unknown." A combat veteran and father to four daughters, he can’t remain in the military because of a serious back injury earned in Iraq.
But he can’t yet accept a civilian job because he doesn’t know when the military will discharge (使退伍) him. He has no clue how much the government will pay him in disability compensation related to his injury, so he can’t make a future budget. He just waits.
Thousands of troops are like Lanier: not fully fit to serve but in limbo (无着落) for about two years waiting to get discharged under a new system that was supposed to be more efficient than its predecessor. And the delays are not only affecting service members, but the military’s readiness as well. New troops can’t enlist until others are discharged.
The government determines the pay and benefits given to wounded, sick or injured troops for their military service
A. Because of his injured back.
B. Because of his hand.
C. Because his vision has worsened.
D. Because he has a civilian job.

[简答题]A:What is important when…
Recruiting new staff
B:What is important when…
Renting office premises

[多项选择]What kinds of reasons might there be for staff leaving their jobs
What steps could be taken to reduce staff turnover

[单项选择]What point does Jackman make about his staff A. Employees should be trained to do particular jobs. B. Staff development matters less than the success of a deal. C. Teamwork is essential for carrying out all tasks.
[单项选择]What main role do the staff play in the school restaurant
A. They make sure that students eat their meals in time.
B. They deal with students’ complaints about the food.
C. They help students learn about a balanced diet.


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