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发布时间:2024-06-25 07:59:23


Here is a new idea in agricultural weed control. Rather than trying to formulate herbicides that kill specific weeds but are harmless to grain crops, use a broad-spectrum herbicide effective against all kinds of plants and use genetic engineering specifically to make the crops impervious to the herbicide.
Which of the following, if true, is the most serious obstacle to an implementation of the new idea outlined above()

A. Certain herbicides that are effective against specific weeds can inhibit the growth of certain crops as much as two years after application
B. Research to date suggests that the nutritional properties of crop plants would not improve as a result of the genetic alterations being contemplated
C. Most herbicides that kill only a narrow range of targets contain active ingredients that are harmful to domestic animals and wildlife
D. Effective broad-spectrum herbicides are on the market, but their very effectiveness has so far rendered them unsuitable for agricultural weed control
E. Although genetic modification has made individual plants of grain species resistant to broad-spectrum herbicides, the seeds that such plants produce will not sprout

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[单项选择]What is the main idea of the new item
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B. Italy would prohibit training people to use explosives for terrorism purpose.
C. The deadly bombings in London earlier shocked Italian government.
D. Some Italians participated the terrorist bombings in London.
[单项选择]Passage Two
The idea of building "New Towns" to absorb growth is frequently considered a cure-all for urban problems. It is wrongly assumed that if new residents can be diverted from existing centers, the present urban situation at least will get no worse. It is further and equally wrongly assumed that since European New Towns have been financially and socially successful, we can expect the same sorts of results in the United States.
Present planning, thinking, and legislation will not produce the kinds of New Town that have been successful abroad. It will multiply suburbs or encourage developments in areas where land is cheap and construction profitable rather than where New Towns are genuinely needed.
Such ill-considered projects not only will fail to relieve pressures on existing cities but will, in fact, tend to weaken those cities f
A. will help to solve the present urban situation
B. will produce the same sorts of results as does in Europe
C. will by no means alleviate the urban problems
D. will prevent the present urban situation from getting worse

[填空题]It wasn’t so long ago that the idea of a college romance playing out online--for better or for worse- would have been deemed weird, nerdy, or just plain pathetic. ______ But then MySpace came along, and Facebook took ver - and today, courtship has become a flurry of status messages, e - mail flirtation, and, not so uncommonly, breakups that play out publicly for all 400 of your not - so - closest friends. And while a Facebook split is clearly not the ideal, Katie Vojtko has been on the other side of it, too: she ended a recent romance through an e-mail--to which shenever heard back. "It’s not something I’m proud of," says the 22 - year - old, who graduated in April. "But technology just makes dating so much easier. "
  • A. It’s easier to approach each other, to talk casually, to get to know one another and feel out romantic potential without ever having to trul put themselves out there.
  • B. "And you don’t even have to be on the computer to engage in it. "
  • C. They can
[单项选择]Hardly a week passed()he got another new idea
A. that
B. for
C. but that
D. but for
[简答题]Burning garbage is not a new idea. Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years.
[单项选择]This ticket ______ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.
A. grants
B. entitles
C. credits
D. permits
[单项选择]The idea of humanoid robots is not new, of course. They have been part of the imaginative landscape ever since Karl Capek, a Czech writer, first dreamed them up for his 1921 play "Rossum’s Universal Robots" . (The word "robot" comes from the Czech word for drudgery, robota.) Since then, Hollywood has produced countless variations on the theme, from the sultry False Maria in Fritz Lang’s silent masterpiece "Metropolis" to the wittering C-3PO in "Star Wars" and the ruthless assassin of "Terminator" . Humanoid robots have walked into our collective subconscious, colouring our views of the future.
But now Japan’s industrial giants are spending billions of yen to make such robots a reality. Their new humanoids represent impressive feats of engineering: when Honda introduced Asimo, a four-foot robot that had been in development for some 15 years, it walked so fluidly that its white, articulated exterior seemed to conceal a human. Honda continues to make the machine faster, friendlier an
A. in 2004
B. in 2005
C. between 2003 -2004
D. between 2004 -2005


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